Thursday, December 31, 2009

It Should Be Noted

I made a deal with a co-worker back in 'o8. I believe the deal was I could leave work early for a date if I read Twilight. The date canceled on me, but no "takey backsies." I then tried to get out of reading Twilight by going line-dancing. Both things were eventually done (with much whining on my part). Turns out I love line-dancing and still hate Twilight and I lost track of that date long ago in a galaxy far, far away . . .

But I can't help but thanking that date, for canceling on me, that is and for not showing up several other times I might add. He texted me once the phrase, "It is what it is." Now, for anyone with half a philosophical brain, and in my case other half absent-minded professor brain, this may just be one of the decade's most mind-numbing catch phrases. It implies that a = b. But in most cases with the advent of so much technology so fast and everyone just scrambling to catch up and the age of nuance gone, "a" in one person's mind, is not the "a" in the other person's mind, likewise with "b" and what you end up with is some seemingly definitive statement of pure and utter nonsense. It implies a lack of responsibility of an outcome in some instances, and in others it's simply a response when no response is really necessary. It implies that change is or would have been impossible. Now granted, there are instances where this phrase is appropriate, but it wasn't then, in my mind. However, being how things are now, I am glad that "it was what it was." (Past tense completely appropriate.) Given the option, mistakes and all, I wouldn't have changed a God damn thing.

Including the fact, that last year on the eve of New Year's Eve, I didn't take my phone with me to work out. I left it in the family room. My brother told me he heard it ring regularly then it did some odd thing where it only rang once and went straight to voice mail. Ah, well, it is what it is, I suppose.

Screw 'o9, you're getting old. Happy New Year's.

Oh, and excuse my brutal rape of grammar, I'm no editor.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Post Secret Goodness

Oh Honey, ask him yourself. Or better yet, ask his cuter friend.
It's too good of a movie to wait to see because of a stupid boy.

Hell yeah.

So true . . .

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Well maybe something else

I wonder how long we can go without inspiration and connection. Isn't that why so many people surf the chat rooms and forums of the internet, looking for something that's lacking in their lives? I've been working with a refugee from Africa. Her French and 5 other languages that she knows is in incredible. She's working on English. My French should be better. We're muddling through. We seemingly only talk about superficial things, it's hard to have deep conversations when the chance for mis-communication is so great, but we still manage to confide in each other in different ways. In facial expressions, body language, etc. Sometimes the perfectly timed pause speaks volumes.

I see how frustrated she gets when she can't express herself as well as she wants to . . . she's so embarrassed about her English, so much so, I try to speak with her in French so she can see how comparatively bad I am. I wish I could get across that I understand how it feels to not be able to express yourself for no other reason than you don't know how. The frustration, the internal anger, the hurt, the loneliness . . . the despair. To these and many more, no one is a stranger.



Sometimes I just randomly say that word to myself. And whenever I imagine it, I imagine it in italics. Sizzurp!!!

In my mind I was going to share all these insightful things I've been coming up with . . . but instead here.


Favorite twitter trend:
#wecantdate if you expect me to check your twitter updates


Monday, December 21, 2009

Holiday Shopping of a different sort

Project elf costume has proven to be more problematic than initially anticipated. The mission continues tomorrow before my little brother and I catch a showing of Avatar.

Best license plate this holiday season: UGOGAL

The new Alicia Keys and MJB albums are fantastic. U GO GALS!!!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

See you on the radio

My dad and I love this part of A Christmas Story. We always try to flip back to see it during the movie's 24 hour run on TNT.

"You look like a deranged Easter Bunny!" That line gets Big Jim every time, sort of like the part in The Burbs when the swinging door takes out the plate of cookies. I know it's coming but dear God I practically pee myself every time I see it. And I'm sad to say I couldn't find a clip of that (I may have just continually watched it until I laughed myself to sleep so . . . ).

Christmas Day is my ONLY day off, wtf?

Worked 11 hours today on 4 hours of poor sleep. So exhausted. Had an emotional weekend, I hate emotional weekends. But I'm glad to say that unlike this time last year I found composure somewhere and no mental break downs in any department stores occurred. And Big Jim requested a new red plaid shirt instead of an Hawaiian one this year. It's cool because for his birthday last year I got him a sick Hawaiian one and a t-shirt with a sexy lady in a martini glass. We're a classy kind of family . . .

Tomorrow is project elf costume. Oh yes, I will be an elf for everyone's entertainment on Christmas Eve along with a few other brave co-workers.

Bummed to hear Buffalo Tom will be performing at First Night this year. I already made plans with other friends. This deeply saddens me. The thought of another year trudging through Boston on New Year's is not promising but it's Buffalo Tom. Goddammit.

Soooooo sleepy. Soooo sweepy . . . . zzzzzzz

Update: I just stood in front of the fridge for waaaaay too long to decide on apple sauce . . . And Gangland is on. Fuck yeah.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Call my phone. Enjoy. Everybody else is doing it . . .

And who sounds this good on crummy video? Mary, that's who.

The River

A friend and I were talking about Robert Downey's stint on Ally McBeal. Totally forgot about the son dynamic.

One of my favorite Christmas songs of all time . . .

Friday, December 18, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Shake it off . . .

There has to be somewhere in this world where for just one day someone won't call my name and ask for something.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Just great

Thank you Colbert. This was great.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Missing my teddy bear

At the end of the night, he's still the last person I want to talk with and I'm glad we don't get all possessive of one another. We're glad with the time we get to spend with one another. And we laugh. Oh Lord do we laugh.

He says he's leaving his trunk full of Steven Seagal movies to me in his will. If that ain't love, I don't know what love is . . .

And our unofficial theme song for '09 has been a Phil Collins song. Go figure.

from, "The Attic"

"It's like floating on a river, isn't it? You could be anywhere in the world under this skylight, looking up at those stars and the wind whipping those trees around. Makes you feel sort of minuscule."

"How is that a good thing? Feeling minuscule, that is?"

"Puts everything in perspective I suppose. Thanks for covering for me earlier. Do you think they're trying to call Rob to confirm? Well, I know Simon is. He probably couldn't run to his phone fast enough."

"In those puppy slippers? Nah, he could barely walk in those things. He gave you a death stare. Did you guys have a thing?"

"Oh, I wouldn't even call it a thing. Do you have time for an anecdote?"

"Got all night."

"One day my brother threw away his Stretch Armstrong doll. He wanted a new toy, and to get a new toy we had to learn to part with our old ones. I really liked Stretch, so I took him. A few days later my brother saw me playing with him and he had a fit."

"I thought he didn't want it anymore."

"He didn't . . . but he didn't want anyone else to have it either. There are just some things people never grow out of."

"So Simon is your brother and you're Stretch? Right?"

"Yeah . . . but sometimes . . . sometimes I feel like I'm the rest of the trash Stretch got thrown into, too. I feel like some sort of waste receptor for the shit other people don't want to deal with and if I get any pleasure out of it I feel like everyone is Simon. No one wants me to really be happy with what I'm doing, even if it's dealing with their shit."

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

Say It With Firecrackers

Greatest thing on earth.

When most little girls in my tap class wanted to graduate to tapping in high heels . . . I wanted to graduate to tapping with firecrackers.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Key phrase, "My cuz is doing better . . . "

One fish, two fish, red fish, blue . . .

Just some good getting pumped tunes . . .

Lean on Me

So back in late May early June I was going through some shit, nothing major just reassessing some life matters and I was super emotional. I hate not even being drunk and feeling the tears creeping up in my throat and . . . well, you can imagine.

I made this point around that time. Being there for people IS what helps us stay strong.

Heart-breaking news all around yesterday.

1. Found out a co-worker's 6 week old grand-daughter had passed away.
2. Another co-workers 20-something year old cousin was in a horrible car accident and most likely going to die.
3. Got home to find my mother on the phone learning of an elderly relative's passing.

I work in a VERY diverse place. There are so many beautiful cultures. It sounds like a morbid subject but with so much death going on lately in our workplace, talking about funerals yesterday made sense. One woman from Nigeria talked about how depending on the person's age, funerals and wakes were very different, with very different rituals. If a baby died, only a simple, quiet funeral was held. If an elderly person died, several days would be devoted to celebrating the life and accomplishments of that person before and after the actual burial. If a person was cut down in the prime of their life (especially a teenager) oftentimes months were devoted to grieving.

On a side note, I'm not by any means religious, but when I happen to have the same lunch/dinner break as this woman I always say "Grace" with her. I figure two things, 1. My ancestors forced Christianity upon hers and B. I am grateful for the food I'm about to eat so . . . I never feel like a hypocrite when I pray with her.

On the whole God thing, I've prayed to him before and I'm not sure if he was listening. But he can disregard all my other requests if he just lets an early Christmas miracle happen. I'm not writing it down, cuz he's omnipotent. He should just know.

To that co-worker/friend who that prayer is for, this song is also for . . . thank you for being there.

And to the little boys who cry wolf and little girls who scream shark . . . beware, you might just get gobbled up.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Learning to live

Jeff Dunham

John Porcellino

And this right hurrrr

PostSecret: Confessions on Life, Death and God from Frank Warren on Vimeo.

It takes all my effort to deal with my own insecurities . . . putting up with someone else's just doesn't seem fair.

I give up . . . in a very good way.

Popeye on google = amazing. Happy Birthday Segar!!

Loved ones dying (not Ripple) in the blink of an eye puts life in perspective today. There's no time for fear . . .

I remember what I told a friend last year. . . I told her that with some people you could be screaming from the highest roof top that you care and they can't hear you . . . because deep down, you're not the one they want to hear it from. And sometimes even they haven't figured that out, yet. Til then, you'll always disappoint them. No matter what. No worries, I told her, it says more about them then it does about you. Love and care away. It feels so good. If I love you . . .

Eventually you'll learn that if you really care about someone you let them go.

Stay in School

So today must have been a half day for schools or something. For elections? Teachers' meeting? Whatever the case there were far too many young adults running around today. I would just like to rely this story to y'all. Before I begin I'd like to inform the whole 2 of you who may read this that there has been a bird flying around Marshalls the last few days.

Girl 1: Hey, what's that flying around the store? Is it a bird or a pigeon?

Girl 2: A pigeon and a bird are the same thing.

Girl 1: Are you sure?

Sweet mother of pearl . . . fuck whatever reason you guys didn't have school today and get your ass back to science class. I can't even handle this.

Oh, and there's a new Marshalls open in Gloucester. Just sayin'

Just thinking about a few things that happened since I posted last and in retrospect, any self-respecting person probably wouldn't have responded. I think I know what I'm asking Santa for Christmas . . . my pride.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Ripple Died

I was going to write about how a recent episode of the Community incorporated one of my favorite childhood movies growing up An American Tail, but I don't feel like writing much of anything right now.

For some strange reason, thinking about this song is making me feel a little bit better. It has nothing to do with the situation at all. But for some reason it's still helping.

What's the use of crying?

Best advice anyone's ever given me.

Thanks Aunt Carol.

And key some cars. Baha. Just kidding . . . well, no, just kidding.


My poor friend Allison was supposed to see Weezer tonight.

But this happened.

Prayers all around.

Raditude is spot on. And Weezer with Sara Bareilles is even more perfect.
Thanks for being so wonderful guys and gal.

I'd also like to thank them for this and would like to point out to the world that while the rest of you were making fun of the info commercial last year, Big Jim was on the phone ordering one for Marcelle. That's how we roll.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

#%$#$#$$#!!!!!! People Suck.

I had the best week last week (Thanksgiving and all) but people are really sucking the big one this past week.

Happy Fucking Holidays.

Seriously. People . . . you suck.

I recently made the statement that I'm through meeting new people and trying to like them. They're all too annoying and stressful. In one incident last week, dealing with an annoying new person made me miss out on catching up with some old friends.


Friday, December 4, 2009

They Were Cones!

I haven't been able to get this scene out of my head and I've been muttering, "They were cones!" to myself the last few days.

Wicked excited about my cozy Celtic's zip-up waiting for me at work.

Wicked excited about Denny's with my "husband."

Best drunken silly talk with Reyson,

"Rey, when we move can we move far, far away?"

"Sure, how about Monroe St. in Lynn?" (approx. 10 minutes from my home now)

"Are there tacos involved?"

"Oh, yeah."

"I'm in like sin."

Best opening to my new short,

I wondered how many local people watching the same local commercial for a local sex shop could point at one of the commercial's local "actors" and truthfully utter the phrase, "Hey I watched the presidential debate with that kid." My complete and utter amazement over the phenomenon was what seemed to cause the laughter from . . .

Tackling Martin Heidegger. Oh my Jesus.

David Sedaris' Naked on audiobooks has me pushing an extra 20 to 30 minutes on the Elliptical.

Which is good cause it's DennyTime!!!!!

Correction: I'm listening to Me Talk Pretty One Day." Not Naked.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

On a related note

Connecting Napkin to Napkin:

No one, not even the Devil, can steal your soul.
You have to give it away.
Careful where you aim that blame.

Sixteen Tons

Freight Trains

The freight trains are new, the sound of them that is, somewhere set on the horizon that never ends. Calmer, more serene, less mysterious than the sea, yet those fields still hold the fate of man in them. Should they ever stop breathing, shortly after, the sounds of our grumbling stomachs and asphyxiating children would drown the world and we would choke on our own filth.

Springfield, IL
Nov '09

I got a bad desire

I'd like to meet a man who doesn't beat the fun out of living with a stick.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sometimes I feel like saying "Lord I just don't care"

I'm thankful for 3 in the morning noodles with Sara, traffic jams and mind games with Reynaldo (You rookies have NO game compared to us . . . remember you mess with us and you get wrecked by us!), personal phone calls at work from Nicole asking me what kind of apple sauce I need (Again, Nicole you were my savior that day!), remembering Idealism through the eyes of Emily and stealing bar glasses with her, rambling about good/bad shows with Alison in the mini, "hot" Russians with Sophany, movies with my boys, cooking and baking with Marcelle and Big Jim, snuggles with Ripple, just talking about getting drunk with Patti, gangsta walking with Fletcher, hugs from my old biddies, and reminding folks I don't get to see enough that I still care.

How's your faith these days?

Love is the answer and you know that for sure/ Love is the flower you got to let it, you got to let it grow/ So keep on playing those mind games together/ Faith in the future outta the now

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

When I Met You

I know it's Wednesday . . . but I can't figure out what day of the week it actually feels like. I feel like a Saturday Night Lullaby post, but I'm not sure if today feels like a Saturday.

I forgot to get applesauce. I have to stand in a horrid day before Thanksgiving Day line at the grocery store for applesauce. Mother Fucker.

Please add Miss Scarlett to the list of cute little actresses who can sing and who I love.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Love her.

Angela Lansbury Receives Dance Honor

In my head

And I keep humming it.

And whenever I seem to tune into the radio . . . it's on.

Good friends all around this week. I truly am thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Stolen Car

So last night while I was getting ready for work my mother was downstairs watching one of her favorites, Cold Case. I'll admit that as far as cop dramas go, Cold Case has the BEST music. Last night the whole episode's soundtrack was composed of Bruce Springsteen songs. Amen. Most people are introduced to Bruce by their Pops. My father wasn't quite into him, but two of my uncles were. They would sit around with each other during almost every family function and argue which version of Soul Driver was better (I'd have to go with Uncle Chip on that one, unplugged all the way). During my first big girl sleep over, no adult chaperon, when I was about 13, we played some board game version of Wheel of Fortune. I don't normally win anything . . . ever . . . but I remember winning that game because I solved for Bruce Springsteen with only the

B_ _ _ E _ P_ _ N_ _ _ E E N

None of my friends even knew who that was and all they could ask was how I knew that. All I can remember thinking was "How could you guys NOT know who that was?"

In an earlier post I said that Springsteen's Nebraska was one album listenable the whole way through, but in last night's episode of Cold Case they threw in Stolen Car. I would argue to the death the Tracks version of that song was better than The River's. More hope. We could always use more hope even if the fear is still there.

So this Saturday Night Lullaby is dedicated to Uncle Chip and Uncle Donald. I'll be thinking of you guys this holiday season.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Speaking of Glee

The full version of this one. Yesss.

You can't just play with people's feelings/ Tell them you love them and don't mean it/ You'll probably say that it was juvenile/ But I think that I deserve to smile

The original here.

I'm all for property damage, ladies.

Maybe This Time

I guess I could be accused of dwelling in the past, but I simply believe in careful reflection. I also understand that my own memories of situations past are just that, my own memories, merely one side of the story, one point of view. I try to learn every day. I have my sights on the future, though. Heard this song on Glee about a month ago and haven't been able to get it out of my head. Love Cabaret.

You know so much don't you?
And yet, you've learned so little . . . it's frightening to me.

Live, Laugh, Love

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Best Albums

With the dawn of iTunes and other technological advances that allow listeners to preview albums and only buy the songs they like from the album, artists have been forced to step it up. I can remember being so annoyed when buying a whole album and only liking 3 of the 14 tracks. I've decided to compile a list of my favorite albums. These albums, in my opinion, are listenable the whole way through. There are no "new" albums on here because I only wanted to pay homage to the artists who followed through in decades past. There are no "indie" artists as well. These are artists who DIDN'T have to deliver quality art, tools would have bought their albums regardless. In that vain, I also decided not to include debut albums, leaving a lot of my favorite artists and albums in the cold.

I'm just going to start to list them, maybe I'll follow with an additional list or a list of runner-ups. There are no "compilations" on here either. They are straight up, "studio albums."

House of the Holy
Speaking in Tongues
Little Creatures
Pet Sounds
The Score
The Velvet Rope
OK Computer
Abbey Road
Share My World
And pretty much the whole Bjork discography minus the remix albums and such, but only excluded because of the "rules."

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday blah

This issue of Esopus Magazine rocks.
I heart Natureboy. :)

I really don't have internet access for a while so . . . yeah.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Oh Sweet Jesus

On the Veteran's Parkway of Springfield, Illinois I saw an Elvis impersonator riding a Harley. Or maybe it WAS Elvis. I had a great time here, but that made my whole trip. He wore a white leather RHINE-STONED suit. I wish I wasn't driving so I could have taken a picture but my purse with camera/phone was out of reach. It doesn't matter. I'll never forget it. And this song was playing. Not too shabby Black Eyed Peas (but it doesn't make up for the shit you filled our ears with all summer).

You cut me open

Who's gonna run this town tonight?

I'm not ever going to shut you out.

Keep it cool.

There sound will sleep the traveller, And dream his journey's end

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Be happy again

You can be dark and mysterious.

But smile nonetheless, please.

Stop your sighing . . .

Noughts & Crosses

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Choux Pastry Heart

You said I was gamine/ But we didn't mean the same thing I think

Our only theories were inside of our hands

So I tweeted this . . .

Facebooked it.

And now I'm going to blog it (and I'll probably send it to a few Celtics fans I know).

When people combine two of your favorite things, it's a God damn good day.

Celtics + Sesame Street = A God damn good day

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Go get all the gold, all the guns and all the girls

Is it ever gonna be enough?

The other night while I tried to get Jordan to sleep, I asked him to close his eyes, find a way to Dreamland and to come back and tell me.

What made you want to write about nightmares?

Keep Ya Head Up

Ooooo child, things are gonna get easier

Monday, November 9, 2009


Catching up on some C's.

So these are great. xkcd 1 and 2. They're partly so great to me because I just saw the HIMYM episode where they have a "graph and chart" intervention for Marshall. I could sort of relate, I see the world in Venn Diagrams.

I like Illinois, but I'm starting to miss my family and friends on the East Coast. I want a Bingo night with my mom. Lame? Nah . . . old coots and biddys are the best. When I get home I'll do a little hall of fame of my trip's photos (make 'em look all extra pretty and such) but I'm too lazy now.

I ♥ Shel Silverstein.

Each time I see the Upside-Down Man
Standing in the water,
I look at him and start to laugh,
Although I shouldn't oughtter.
For maybe in another world
Another time
Another town,
Maybe HE is right side up
And I am upside down.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Your feet can smell and your nose can run . . .

The best dinner date a girl could ask for . . .

I'm watching that peanut for most of this weekend so I'll sum up my trip so far.

I love that no matter where I go, Barnes and Nobles, Targets and Applebees are still my favorite places to visit.

Did you know that Illinois has Drive-Through liquor stores? Amazing.

Why do some people here have a twang and others do not?

If I play my cards right, tomorrow night I might be able to visit a bar/club called Catch 22. I mean, really? Who names their establishment that? Love it.

Washington Park and its Carillon are a particular favorite of mine. So beautiful with the leaves all around. A red, orange and yellow explosion!!!

City Museum makes Discovery Zone look like a cardboard box. And they were playing Weezer's Blue Album. I'm sure in celebration of the release of the band's new album, Raditude . . . get hyphy. We watched Titanic and it didn't make us sad

Oh, and in St. Louis they have this corner pizza shop called B&T Pizza. It was your typical New York style sat under a heat lamp all day slice of pizza. They had a typical no smoking sign, a cigarette with a slash running through it, and a not so typical "no gun sign," a gun with a slash running through it. My phone AND camera had died so I sadly did not get a picture. Truly a regret.

There's more. And fingers crossed that next week I make it back to Chicago and the Sears Tower. The only damn touristy thing I wanted to do was see the SkyDeck.

I get to enjoy some good old Cajun seafood at a friend of a friend's birthday celebration this Sunday. I'm wondering how the seafood is in the Midwest.

Have a lovely weekend!

Cindy Mayweather

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fucking Oscars

I hate watching award ceremonies. But maybe some faith in the "system" will be restored if Mary J. Blige's original song for the film Precious wins.

Make fun of me for wanting to see this film, but these people are real. I met someone the other day who had her daughter's middle name changed to "Princess." Sidenote:I met some guy once who boasted about "tricking" his college roommate into thinking his first name was something other than what it was. Then he made me try to "guess" what his middle name was . . . that game is fun if you have some unusual name (e.g. Princess), but it was Gerald. I had it figured out 5 minutes into the "game" but I think I let that nonsense go on for some time. Guy: If you really care you'll play this stupid game. Me: If you really care, you won't play stupid games.

Any who . . . the point I'm trying to make with this blog is this:

Mary J. Blige better fucking win.
Read a nifty article about the song's conception and listen to the beautiful masterpiece here.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Life Is Better

Happy Halloween!


You're less concerned about existential questions when you have kids, well maybe you're more, wait . . . what I'm saying is this . . .

They ask "why" a lot, like why should I shampoo my hair? Or why should I always listen to police officers, why should I go to bed when Mom says . . . or why it's bad to hit people. It's harder than any philosophy class I've ever taken (fuck Global Ethics in comparison to bath time). They ask the questions we're still asking ourselves. And then, just when us single folks are questioning the meaning of life, they wake us up at 6:30 in the morning, telling us about the dream they had about elephants and unicorns, then demanding breakfast. They snuggle up next to us in bed and figure out a way to get us up, ready to face the day.

I spent several hours of my life today trying to outsmart a 3-year-old. I'm not ashamed. They're smarter than we think.

Have you hung out with a kid lately? Fuck your "hits" on youtube or statcounter. You're still not as cool as cupcakes.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Somebody told me . . .

I don't know how to explain "home." Home's not a place, rather a state of being, an existence beyond goodness.

It's the toy Tonka trunk in the tub you stub your toe on every morning in the shower and the noodle stuck on the wall behind the chair. It's okay, no one ever really sits in that chair, there's hardly ever three for Wednesday's spaghetti and meatballs. It's the shiny, silver remote you can never seem to find, the cozy bed that never seems to get made. It's the dirty laundry crawling up the wall and the mysterious odor coming from the back of the fridge. It's the hand prints (mid-thigh level) on the glass back doors where little fingers itched to get at the red three-wheeler in the shed while rain poured down. It's the second or third or fourth-hand couch with the gaudy floral pattern you sink into each night after you emerge victorious from the two-hour battle for bedtime. It's home, and you know it.

Wish the rest of the world luck on their search for fame and fortune.


When you look in the mirror, unrecognizable, a hollow shell of the man you thought you'd be, may St. Anthony hear your prayers. And when you strike-out across the horizon in search of all the pieces of your soul you've lost, may St. Christopher keep you safe.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I thought I enjoyed TV

But yesterday while Jordan fought his Mom and I tooth and nail not to go to bed during the first AND second showing of Sons of Anarchy . . . I realized I enjoyed people (even a whining three year old) much more. I wouldn't have changed anything for the world.
Yes telling Jordan a made up story about an elephant named Super Suit Case and a mouse named Suit Case (Jordan's idea for their names, pretty great) was better than learning the fate of the "club."
And I'm happy to report that one of the few shows Jordan enjoys is Scooby-Doo. It's one of my top ten favorite cartoons too. :)

I'm already loving Illinois.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Odetta and friends

She's such an inspiration.

So is she, Ruby Dee knows how to Do the Right Thing. The Somebodiness Of Me.
And Men Who Have Loved Me

Sweet Honey In The Rock--- Testimony

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Vacation Starts Sunday

So naturally I'm getting sick.

Codeine is my hero. Fuck the doctors. I heart the left overs in my family's medicine cabinet.

Last Saturday night I hung around home, drank a few beers, watched Independence Day and packed. I decided that THAT was the only way to pack. I tried to do the same thing on Monday night, but I had one too many and somehow decided my time would be better spent reorganizing my shoe collection. Yeah, cool, but . . . not so productive.

I love Paul Pierce. Next week my love. Next week.

I don't care if Amy Winehouse is a cracked out mess. Valerie.

And sure, maybe Michael Jackson liked little boys . . . a little too much. Doesn't change the greatness of this song.

I had dinner with a nice boy last week. I wore my gross old lady sweater (along with the inside of my quesadilla that fell all down the front of said old lady sweater). He still wanted to see me again . . . either men are seriously lowering their standards or my apparent lack of shame is somehow endearing.

I am so tired, but so nervous/excited for Illinois.

I want to take my Dad's smelly, old flannel jacket with me. It's my favorite cozy thing to wear. But I know he'll miss it too much because it's his favorite cozy thing to wear.


I'm so excited to spend a few days in Chicago. I don't care if I have strep throat, I'm dragging Nelly to a hundred things.

I feel like it's 3 in the morning.

That nice boy that didn't seem to mind that I'm a little rough around the edges (and late, no matter what I seem to do) has never seen The Goonies OR The Karate Kid. Nor had he ever played hang man. But we bonded over The Mighty Ducks which is the only hockey I can stand to watch.

ahhhh, the in betweens

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

That's It, I quit, I'm Movin' On

Now THAT's depressing.
You've got the love . . .

People are idiots. So are cats . . .
It's the risk that I'm taking.


And I'm saving all my secrets for a deaf man.

Bonus: Adele doing Sam Cooke

Monday, October 19, 2009

Run Fast

Fact: About a month ago I heard this song on the radio . . . I didn't know the artist/song name.
Fact: It made me so happy while listening to it spent a better chunk of my life that night surfing the internet for it (my audio pick up/absorption has radically decreased since I've stopped going to school and attending lectures).
Fact: A few weeks ago Alison Wonderland brought up Florence And The Machine
Fact: Dog Days must have been one of the few songs I didn't listen to . . .
Fact: Today the twains met. Hoorah.

Please, Have a Heart

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saturday Night Lullaby

What comes is better . . .

Sometimes I smile and laugh when I think of all the great things you're gonna do. I hope you live forever.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


So I don't have much patience for people who are miserable in their own life and who HAVE to make others miserable by cutting them down. This includes my baby bro. I'm a fan of good snark . . . making fun of Chuck Norris and Steven Seagal because they don't know how ridiculous they are (that being said, I'm so exited for Lawman on A&E). But cutting people down who love you, maybe not the way to go, no matter how miserable you are with yourself. When playing the new Batman video game with my brother he made fun of me the whole time and how bad I was at it, and all I could think was, "Well I didn't spend 56 hours of my life perfecting my technique with the game, I've only been playing for 40 minutes and I'll probably only play for another hour if that then move on with my life. Maybe play a bit tomorrow if you're not around. Seriously." What the fuck.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Trivia Night vs. Line Dancing

I'm not friends with my friends because they know all the answers. I'm friends with some pretty intelligent, wonderful people. I'm friends with my friends because of all the things they know, they also know how to make me smile (just by being themselves). Let's be completely honest with each other folks. What's the funnest part of a game like Cranium, the trivia part . . . or the charades? I'd rather watch a friend act out being on a roller coaster than have them shout out who the 16th president of the United States was, because even if I didn't know it was good old Honest Abe, I'd know about a million ways to go looking for THAT answer. But I could never find the image embedded in my mind now of my friend Emily doing "roller coaster." The best ever.

I like going line dancing because I love dancing. But I don't enjoy going to clubs and having gross men grind up on me. When line dancing, there is NO grinding. Score. Now it's true, until you get the hang of a dance, you may look a little foolish up on the dance floor, but the cool thing about everyone there, they're willing to help you learn it, 8 count by 8 count. No judgment, just support. It's fantastic. You don't have to have any sense of rhythm, just know how to count to 8 and not take yourself so seriously, and you'll do great. Promise.

Worst dream ever . . .

Last week I had this horrible dream that one of my friends was having a seizure. Let me be more specific, in each "scene" of my dream I was doing something different, at first I was at work, then I was at a restaurant with friends, then I was at the movies. In each scene, he was in the background with some friends of his own, he would start to seize, and his friends would run up to me and tell me I had to find his medicine. At first I questioned them, saying can someone even take medicine when they're having a seizure, shouldn't we call an ambulance instead . . . etc. Each time everyone would just yell at me that he needed his medicine and that I was supposed to know where it was. When he stopped seizing he would yell at me telling me he almost died and it was all my fault. I pleaded with him each time to just tell me where his medicine was so that I would know the next time, but he'd just get up and leave with his friends, shaking his head in disappointment. By the third time in the movies I woke up from my dream mid-seizure in a cold sweat, crying. It was by far one of the worst dreams ever. And I don't need Freud to tell me what it means . . .

I'm no Florence Nightingale, nope, it ain't me babe.

I guess I'm anti-marriage

At least I'm anti-taking people for granted. Sometimes, tomorrow is no longer an option.

"Wheresoever she was, there was Eden."