Friday, May 22, 2009

Sometimes you don't have to agree to understand.

A friend and I were talking about the nature of friendship late into the evening the other night. Principle XXVII of Epicurean Philosophy (a philosophy likened to hedonism) even sights friendship as an integral part of achieving "happiness." Look, waaaaay back in PHIL 101 I learned to STOP trying to reconcile any particular philosophy's views and my own. The Principle of Charity states that in order to criticize, one must fully understand a view first. I think the same principle should be applied to people. I criticized a friend in an 8 page research paper a few years back about his reasons for not voting AFTER I had got to know him. For example, I knew his apathy towards the ballot wasn't masking some horrible election day tragedy, no loved one had died in a chad related accident . . . etc. In short, I knew we were cool.

The first step is always understanding. A friend from work is deeply and madly in love with James Taylor, she goes as far to say he's her biggest celebrity crush. Hey I like good folky music and all but . . . well I won't judge. So without further adieu here are some tunes dedicated to friends.

Best point made, sometimes being able to be there for a friend is something that helps keep us strong.

Keep on keeping on loves,
Cindy Mayweather

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