Saturday, August 20, 2011

Djarum Black

Say it ain't so.

I just smoked my last one.

And now they're illegal. What the hell!?!!

You make it easy for people to clog their arteries with special deals on Chicken McNuggets, but you won't let me blacken my lungs with a good ole clove cigarette? Is this shit for real!?!!!!

Don't Forget to Smile When You Fall

For a good 1/2 hour this morning, I stayed snuggled under my covers thanking God for all the awkward moments he's spared me this past year running into people I'd rather not at the Marsh. Especially because most of my time has been spent stuck up front in some manner or other, not allowing the easy escape to the break room or stock room my previous position allowed.

Then I thought it would be a great idea to go to the grocery store on a Saturday.

Ran into 3 of those folks. Fuck.

Aaaannnnd that's how life goes folks. Better learn to breathe through it all.

Thanks Leftover Cuties.