Saturday, February 13, 2010


So my camera died . . . well I forgot to charge it rather, so all I could take were these photos with my phone of yesterday's adventure. Other people had cameras, somewhere out there in the internet world there are horribly embarrassing photos of me. Hopefully I'll never see them.

Always a happy bumper sticker to see, especially on the start of a trip!

This comforter at Motel 6 knocked my socks off! Just kidding, I always wear my socks in motel rooms. There were only a few funky smells. (And a hole in our tub, sorry no photo).

We may not have had an alarm or radio in our room, but we had a bottle opener . . . nailed to the wall. What else do you really need at a Motel 6?

This was the bull at Cadillac Ranch that I was too scared to tackle.

This is my photographic interpretation of the level of drunkenness I had reached at 4 AM in a Connecticut Denny's.

Funny facts

One of the guys from the trip kept telling me I could order a comforter just like the one from Motel 6 online. Why he knew that? I have no idea. Update: I think he's full of shit. I couldn't find anything about it.

Some man tried the, "Are you a model?" line on me. Twice. After he did it to my friend.

I danced with the most delightful older gentlemen. He was sweet. The last guy that grabbed me and swung me onto the dance floor was not.

My friend played this song for me in the car ride down. I have no idea why. But it was fucking hilarious.

I met a lady who said "fuck" and "douche bag" more than me. She was my hero. She also carried a gun and rides a motorcycle. Those last two things scare me. She rocked out to Lita Ford with me in the car.

When I was at the height of my drunken state, I had to try to show my other drunk friend how to throw a "West Side" gang sign. We looked like two very autistic children trying to communicate with one another. It was so she could pose for a picture with her other friend that looks very much like this one. But it is not. That chic has sweaty pits.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. I usually plan things around this holiday so I can spend it by myself and with close friends and family. It isn't a holiday for couples. It's a holiday to celebrate love and loved ones.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Creative Writing 101

I'm embarrassed to say how much I like an Uncle Kracker song. But I do, I do, I do so love this song. I loved this interview for it, too.

"It was just a conscience decision to write a positive song, Creative Writing 101, I guess."

Autopost is cool. Fingers crossed I'm on a mechanical bull by now, or at least eating some peanut butter chicken wings.

The Story of My Life

This horoscope is the story of my life.

If you are single, "When will you ever settle down!" will be the lament of your family. Someone you love may decide to take matters into their own hands and start pushing a strange and inappropriate assortment of potential partners in your face.

Caddy Ranch tonight!!! Then a whole weekend off. This is all so fantastic. Shut up stupid horoscope, nobody asked you.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Give it to 'em in black and white

Sweet Disposition

What an odd week. An odd week, indeed.

I had an emergency trip to see Dr. James Brown today. It's worth the co-pay just to hear him crack jokes. I'm okay. Finally finding a doctor that puts me at ease in such a hellish place feels great.

This is pretty pimp.

Finally saw (500) Days of Summer. Great movie. The boys were stuuuuuupid for not wanting to see it. I want a chalk board wall, I will have a chalk board wall. It was pretty great that the next day after seeing the movie, this song was the first song I heard at work.

I like it when cool things like that happen.

Speaking of cool things: My friend just asked me what time the midnight showing of The Wolfman was . . . I let him think that question over.