Friday, July 24, 2009

I love my rat

People sucked . . . as always today.
But laughing in the face of negativity and enjoying good company tends to make any crummy day good. Forgot how much of a sucker I am for the movie, Ratatouille, especially this scene with Peter O'Toole's character, Anton Ego.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

10 Movies I'm Looking Forward To Seeing

1. (500) Days of Summer
2. Funny People
3. Julie & Julia
4. Paper Heart
5. Extract
6. Inglourious Basterds
7. 9
8. Mystery Team
9. Shutter Island
10. Where the Wild Things Are

And I'll begrudgingly see G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, even though Commander Cobra's face from G.I Joe: The Movie (1987 cartoon) still haunts my dreams.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tales From Lingerie

Usually I rely on this site, Cool Things In Random Places to learn about unusually great fun spots. And then there's my friend from work. She rides a lot on the backs of motorcycles and they stop a lot. I've learned about some mythical McDonald's in the mountains of NH with a fireplace and spiral staircase (no one can remember the way back there . . . spooky). And I learned about these two places:

The Paper House


Joe's Playland

Oh, you've already heard of Joe's. Bet you didn't go upstairs. Guess what's up there. Here's a clue.

The rest of this summer is gonna rock, come rain or come shine.

Trade a T-Storm for a T-Bird

Dear God,

Please don't let it rain . . . too much on Saturday?
Come on, it's the Beach Boys for crying out loud!

Cindy Mayweather

Growing Pains

It doesn't get much easier with age.

Sunday, July 19, 2009