Friday, November 6, 2009

Your feet can smell and your nose can run . . .

The best dinner date a girl could ask for . . .

I'm watching that peanut for most of this weekend so I'll sum up my trip so far.

I love that no matter where I go, Barnes and Nobles, Targets and Applebees are still my favorite places to visit.

Did you know that Illinois has Drive-Through liquor stores? Amazing.

Why do some people here have a twang and others do not?

If I play my cards right, tomorrow night I might be able to visit a bar/club called Catch 22. I mean, really? Who names their establishment that? Love it.

Washington Park and its Carillon are a particular favorite of mine. So beautiful with the leaves all around. A red, orange and yellow explosion!!!

City Museum makes Discovery Zone look like a cardboard box. And they were playing Weezer's Blue Album. I'm sure in celebration of the release of the band's new album, Raditude . . . get hyphy. We watched Titanic and it didn't make us sad

Oh, and in St. Louis they have this corner pizza shop called B&T Pizza. It was your typical New York style sat under a heat lamp all day slice of pizza. They had a typical no smoking sign, a cigarette with a slash running through it, and a not so typical "no gun sign," a gun with a slash running through it. My phone AND camera had died so I sadly did not get a picture. Truly a regret.

There's more. And fingers crossed that next week I make it back to Chicago and the Sears Tower. The only damn touristy thing I wanted to do was see the SkyDeck.

I get to enjoy some good old Cajun seafood at a friend of a friend's birthday celebration this Sunday. I'm wondering how the seafood is in the Midwest.

Have a lovely weekend!

Cindy Mayweather

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fucking Oscars

I hate watching award ceremonies. But maybe some faith in the "system" will be restored if Mary J. Blige's original song for the film Precious wins.

Make fun of me for wanting to see this film, but these people are real. I met someone the other day who had her daughter's middle name changed to "Princess." Sidenote:I met some guy once who boasted about "tricking" his college roommate into thinking his first name was something other than what it was. Then he made me try to "guess" what his middle name was . . . that game is fun if you have some unusual name (e.g. Princess), but it was Gerald. I had it figured out 5 minutes into the "game" but I think I let that nonsense go on for some time. Guy: If you really care you'll play this stupid game. Me: If you really care, you won't play stupid games.

Any who . . . the point I'm trying to make with this blog is this:

Mary J. Blige better fucking win.
Read a nifty article about the song's conception and listen to the beautiful masterpiece here.