Saturday, December 12, 2009

Friday, December 11, 2009

Say It With Firecrackers

Greatest thing on earth.

When most little girls in my tap class wanted to graduate to tapping in high heels . . . I wanted to graduate to tapping with firecrackers.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Key phrase, "My cuz is doing better . . . "

One fish, two fish, red fish, blue . . .

Just some good getting pumped tunes . . .

Lean on Me

So back in late May early June I was going through some shit, nothing major just reassessing some life matters and I was super emotional. I hate not even being drunk and feeling the tears creeping up in my throat and . . . well, you can imagine.

I made this point around that time. Being there for people IS what helps us stay strong.

Heart-breaking news all around yesterday.

1. Found out a co-worker's 6 week old grand-daughter had passed away.
2. Another co-workers 20-something year old cousin was in a horrible car accident and most likely going to die.
3. Got home to find my mother on the phone learning of an elderly relative's passing.

I work in a VERY diverse place. There are so many beautiful cultures. It sounds like a morbid subject but with so much death going on lately in our workplace, talking about funerals yesterday made sense. One woman from Nigeria talked about how depending on the person's age, funerals and wakes were very different, with very different rituals. If a baby died, only a simple, quiet funeral was held. If an elderly person died, several days would be devoted to celebrating the life and accomplishments of that person before and after the actual burial. If a person was cut down in the prime of their life (especially a teenager) oftentimes months were devoted to grieving.

On a side note, I'm not by any means religious, but when I happen to have the same lunch/dinner break as this woman I always say "Grace" with her. I figure two things, 1. My ancestors forced Christianity upon hers and B. I am grateful for the food I'm about to eat so . . . I never feel like a hypocrite when I pray with her.

On the whole God thing, I've prayed to him before and I'm not sure if he was listening. But he can disregard all my other requests if he just lets an early Christmas miracle happen. I'm not writing it down, cuz he's omnipotent. He should just know.

To that co-worker/friend who that prayer is for, this song is also for . . . thank you for being there.

And to the little boys who cry wolf and little girls who scream shark . . . beware, you might just get gobbled up.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Learning to live

Jeff Dunham

John Porcellino

And this right hurrrr

PostSecret: Confessions on Life, Death and God from Frank Warren on Vimeo.

It takes all my effort to deal with my own insecurities . . . putting up with someone else's just doesn't seem fair.

I give up . . . in a very good way.

Popeye on google = amazing. Happy Birthday Segar!!

Loved ones dying (not Ripple) in the blink of an eye puts life in perspective today. There's no time for fear . . .

I remember what I told a friend last year. . . I told her that with some people you could be screaming from the highest roof top that you care and they can't hear you . . . because deep down, you're not the one they want to hear it from. And sometimes even they haven't figured that out, yet. Til then, you'll always disappoint them. No matter what. No worries, I told her, it says more about them then it does about you. Love and care away. It feels so good. If I love you . . .

Eventually you'll learn that if you really care about someone you let them go.

Stay in School

So today must have been a half day for schools or something. For elections? Teachers' meeting? Whatever the case there were far too many young adults running around today. I would just like to rely this story to y'all. Before I begin I'd like to inform the whole 2 of you who may read this that there has been a bird flying around Marshalls the last few days.

Girl 1: Hey, what's that flying around the store? Is it a bird or a pigeon?

Girl 2: A pigeon and a bird are the same thing.

Girl 1: Are you sure?

Sweet mother of pearl . . . fuck whatever reason you guys didn't have school today and get your ass back to science class. I can't even handle this.

Oh, and there's a new Marshalls open in Gloucester. Just sayin'

Just thinking about a few things that happened since I posted last and in retrospect, any self-respecting person probably wouldn't have responded. I think I know what I'm asking Santa for Christmas . . . my pride.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Ripple Died

I was going to write about how a recent episode of the Community incorporated one of my favorite childhood movies growing up An American Tail, but I don't feel like writing much of anything right now.

For some strange reason, thinking about this song is making me feel a little bit better. It has nothing to do with the situation at all. But for some reason it's still helping.

What's the use of crying?

Best advice anyone's ever given me.

Thanks Aunt Carol.

And key some cars. Baha. Just kidding . . . well, no, just kidding.


My poor friend Allison was supposed to see Weezer tonight.

But this happened.

Prayers all around.

Raditude is spot on. And Weezer with Sara Bareilles is even more perfect.
Thanks for being so wonderful guys and gal.

I'd also like to thank them for this and would like to point out to the world that while the rest of you were making fun of the info commercial last year, Big Jim was on the phone ordering one for Marcelle. That's how we roll.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

#%$#$#$$#!!!!!! People Suck.

I had the best week last week (Thanksgiving and all) but people are really sucking the big one this past week.

Happy Fucking Holidays.

Seriously. People . . . you suck.

I recently made the statement that I'm through meeting new people and trying to like them. They're all too annoying and stressful. In one incident last week, dealing with an annoying new person made me miss out on catching up with some old friends.
