Saturday, January 23, 2010


Cindy Lou Who?

I moonlight for Dr. Seuss during the holidays.

Keeping it scene . . .

Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.
-- Dr. Seuss

What A Difference A Day Makes

Woke up feeling like a freight train had run through the middle of my head . . .
But as I am about to finish some laundry and take a cup of hot chocolate to bed I realize I am going to feel just fine tomorrow.

Dinah Washington doesn't hurt none either.

Basic Space
Asleep from a Day
Foolish Love

Friday, January 22, 2010

Sick of being Sick

I've watched so much TV in the last few days I feel my brain oozing out of my ears (though that may be the ear infection . . . I'm not entirely sure).
I watched 10 minutes of Jersey Shore, that's approximately 8 minutes more than the first time I sat down to watch, and that was 10 minutes too many. While MTV's "TrueLife" that focused on the Shore a few years back (every one remembers Tommy and his "woobie") was informative and relatively true, almost anything that MTV turns out nowadays is pure and utter over-produced crap.
"Millionaire Matchmaker" was down right hilarious. Everyone, millionaire or not, should listen to Patti. LOVE HER!!!!!
"Criminal Minds" is always a pleasure. Always.
I was stoked to be home and snug as a bug in a rug waiting for NBC's Thursday's lineup. Then the power went out. Fuck you National Grid.
I slept through most of the last four days but I'll never forget Patti the Matchmaker quoting Judge Judy, "Beauty fades, dumb is forever." Amen sisters.
Speaking of strong women (well she may be a man, the jury is still out) Miss M is moving on. We'll be without a head manager next week but I'm interested to see who they get to fill her shoes.

Anyways, my little brother just came home and I'm going to force him to listen to this song while I use his computer to "pay my bills."

What? It's just a little girl power music . . . next on the annoying him list is the Spice Girls.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

First Jam of 2010

I would have gone!!!!!

Haven't found him yet either . . .

I wish I could say I didn't understand but I completely do.


I have a new husband.

Update: Praying Mantis, by Jim Carroll