Saturday, February 27, 2010

Really Boys?

I love matinee Celtics games, but if you guys lose ... I swear.

Friday, February 26, 2010


I just want to tell people to "Fuck off!!!!!!!!!!" so bad, it hurts.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Why don't you put it on a blog . . .

I can't help but crank the volume up on the last half of the song. The rest of it is meh.

One of the sexiest videos I've seen in while.

I Believe in The Miracles

Don't you?

I definitely get down to the last one when they play that at the Marsh.

Soul knows no genre or language barrier. It's the foundation in art and it's either there, or it's not.

Que Sera Sera



A Trip to the Moon

Thank you NPR for the replay of the documentary on Rosemary. Made my day.

"And the melody [is] a stage on which the drum of a lyric is played out . . ."

Here's hoping we meet now and then.

Good night, wherever you are. ♥

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Embarrassing moments

So I'm pretty sure the last time I saw my cousin, Paul, I was 4 and dancing on the feet of our Uncle Rock. (Yes, that's an actual name.) Then there was an awkward moment with his aunt (my 2nd cousin) who tried to gave me his email address in high school when I was struggling with math. I really don't know much about the man but yesterday at a family function my mother decided to embarrass me by telling every one that I, too, am a writer but that the only story I've ever let her read was one I wrote back in the 4th grade about my grandmother's cats as Private Detectives Peanuts and Popcorn. It was a murder mystery with a talking parrot as the key piece of evidence that helped solve the case. I've been buying my mother Lehane books and Raymond Chandler books this past year and she's taken to none of them. This morning she begged me to get up early and grab a copy of the Globe with a story about Paul in it. Now she wants me to go on a search with her to buy his books. "Don't order them online," she says. "If we make a store order them, maybe the store will catch on and order more." That's my mom, the thinker.

Kill me. Somebody please kill me.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Real

I think it was in Kierkegaard's Either/Or where he describes a "real moment." You'll just feel it. You'll stop whatever it was you were doing and move. Like a panic attack, with all the anxiety, but rather than run from the thing, you'll run towards it. Can you even imagine the exhilaration? I imagine this song describes "real."