Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saturday Night Lullaby

What comes is better . . .

Sometimes I smile and laugh when I think of all the great things you're gonna do. I hope you live forever.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


So I don't have much patience for people who are miserable in their own life and who HAVE to make others miserable by cutting them down. This includes my baby bro. I'm a fan of good snark . . . making fun of Chuck Norris and Steven Seagal because they don't know how ridiculous they are (that being said, I'm so exited for Lawman on A&E). But cutting people down who love you, maybe not the way to go, no matter how miserable you are with yourself. When playing the new Batman video game with my brother he made fun of me the whole time and how bad I was at it, and all I could think was, "Well I didn't spend 56 hours of my life perfecting my technique with the game, I've only been playing for 40 minutes and I'll probably only play for another hour if that then move on with my life. Maybe play a bit tomorrow if you're not around. Seriously." What the fuck.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Trivia Night vs. Line Dancing

I'm not friends with my friends because they know all the answers. I'm friends with some pretty intelligent, wonderful people. I'm friends with my friends because of all the things they know, they also know how to make me smile (just by being themselves). Let's be completely honest with each other folks. What's the funnest part of a game like Cranium, the trivia part . . . or the charades? I'd rather watch a friend act out being on a roller coaster than have them shout out who the 16th president of the United States was, because even if I didn't know it was good old Honest Abe, I'd know about a million ways to go looking for THAT answer. But I could never find the image embedded in my mind now of my friend Emily doing "roller coaster." The best ever.

I like going line dancing because I love dancing. But I don't enjoy going to clubs and having gross men grind up on me. When line dancing, there is NO grinding. Score. Now it's true, until you get the hang of a dance, you may look a little foolish up on the dance floor, but the cool thing about everyone there, they're willing to help you learn it, 8 count by 8 count. No judgment, just support. It's fantastic. You don't have to have any sense of rhythm, just know how to count to 8 and not take yourself so seriously, and you'll do great. Promise.

Worst dream ever . . .

Last week I had this horrible dream that one of my friends was having a seizure. Let me be more specific, in each "scene" of my dream I was doing something different, at first I was at work, then I was at a restaurant with friends, then I was at the movies. In each scene, he was in the background with some friends of his own, he would start to seize, and his friends would run up to me and tell me I had to find his medicine. At first I questioned them, saying can someone even take medicine when they're having a seizure, shouldn't we call an ambulance instead . . . etc. Each time everyone would just yell at me that he needed his medicine and that I was supposed to know where it was. When he stopped seizing he would yell at me telling me he almost died and it was all my fault. I pleaded with him each time to just tell me where his medicine was so that I would know the next time, but he'd just get up and leave with his friends, shaking his head in disappointment. By the third time in the movies I woke up from my dream mid-seizure in a cold sweat, crying. It was by far one of the worst dreams ever. And I don't need Freud to tell me what it means . . .

I'm no Florence Nightingale, nope, it ain't me babe.

I guess I'm anti-marriage

At least I'm anti-taking people for granted. Sometimes, tomorrow is no longer an option.

"Wheresoever she was, there was Eden."

This is my life, not a game of poker

My heart might be drunk/but my mind is sober

A few months ago a friend seemed to be getting at something else when he sent me a text "Wow, I've known you for almost a year, I'm old." Something along those lines, at least. It took me a minute, but then I replied "age is relative." In reality, I stopped the treadmill, sat on the edge of it, and said out loud, "Oh Honey, you don't know me at all."

It's not good, it's not bad . . . it's just how it is. Life, especially when it comes down to love, is mostly about the catches and the misses.

Sunday, October 11, 2009