Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Weary Kind

Oh goodness I'm slacking. Please go see Crazy Heart. Go. Now.

Your heart’s on the loose/ You rolled them seven’s with nothing to lose/ And this ain’t no place for the weary kind

Full lyrics

I'm not a fan of the stint in rehab (seemed rushed and too easy) nor am I a fan of the ending but . . . everything else was bad ass Bad Blake.

Friday, January 29, 2010

I was unaware how fine you was . . .

before the buzz set in . . .

Once you learn that love is bigger than you . . . well. You'll see. Love is a careful combination of fear and courage. Love is showing up. Love is hope. Love is seemingly foolish and yes naive but in the best ways possible. love is not confined to good grammar, words spelled rite and proper punctuation. It speaks louder in moments of silence because mouth farts aside, sometimes there isn't anything to say. Love is the life raft on a sinking ship, but it's also the storm that caused the ship wreck. You can take a bat to your cheating spouse's favorite automobile, or beat the face in of your lover's lover. You can say you never loved them at all. But love knows. Personify it. Yes, Love knows, it knows more than you.

Because everybody laughs and everybody cries.

And if you're like me, you're going to go see Wolfman and not Valentine's Day on February 12th. You'll see Valentine's Day during the week at a matinee. Come on now. Taylor AND Taylor. Yessssssss.

C'est la vie

Dear Celtics, I still love you. Lewis is magic and what chance does anyone stand against magic?

xkcd, bravo, bravo!

Dear UMASS, kiss my ass please and suck my left nut. It doesn't help that every time I have to deal with that institution I have to first deal with this girl that was also a fellow student in several of my night classes. She's moved from every administration office in that damn place. We had a summer class together once and had to do a project for the class. She looked at mine and said, "Wow, you spent a lot of time on that. Do you work full time? You must not work full time." Yeah bitch I do, I typically work 6 out of 7 days a week, not sitting behind a desk, so I can pay for this class because I can't take a class for free like you do. I stayed up for the last 4 nights working on it. Yeah, you in particular can suck my left nut. I would also like to add that because of this same bitch my financial aid has been fucked up (I mean her supervisor has apologized for her work to me, that kind of fuck up) . . . twice. Now for some odd reason she works in admissions. It's days like these I hope and pray karma exists. And that it is a bitch.

Okay, I feel better. These things help.

You can never quite put your finger on it . . . c'est la vie.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


“You take somebody that cries their goddam eyes out over phoney stuff in the movies, and nine times out of ten they're mean bastards at heart.”

I tell people I cry all the time at movies to get across the point that I'm mean . . . all because I read this one line in the 9th grade. I'm glad it stood out in other people's minds as well.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So last night's episode of "The Millionaire Matchmaker" was a gem. Now I don't like to name drop but . . . Justin Shenkarow. Yep. There's so much I want to say about the man behind Simon Holmes, but Patti summed it up beautifully with two little words on the show, "Angry Hobbit."

Now no one is perfect, and I'm not trying to knock the guy (or ANY ONE) for doing his thing but he clearly NEEDS a piece of humble pie.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Oh yeah

Have a Swaggerlicious week.

And this handsome man still plays this song for me sometimes. And he's not afraid to tell me he cares.

Mondays Schmondays

Post Secret gets down and dirty. Thank you.

Last Sunday the day started in silence as I literally "hung" out back in the stockroom at work with my store manager. I didn't know it would be the last time I saw her . . . In a way it's fitting. The first time I worked with her it was just her and I in the same situation. It's odd when life comes full circle.

And then my little brother pages me to tell me he found the Holy Grail of our collective childhood . . . bigger than Ewoks (sorry Mum), bigger than dinosaurs, bigger than Big Wheels and Skip-Its, Twister and all day long games of Suicide . . .

"Tina. I found The Muppet Movie and it's only 4.99. I'll go halfsies with you." Then the greatest game of hide The Muppet Movie ensues when our co-worker and friend David sees that little piece of Heaven in my hand. Of course he didn't stand a chance against the Simes siblings. It was a good show though, a good show.

On a horribly related note, once when I was in ballet class my oddball of a ballet teacher told us he had worked on a banana boat growing up and ALL I could think about was this scene below. I erupted into a horrible fit of giggles and was dismissed from class. It was his fault, shoulda known my space cadet brain couldn't handle such a distraction. He wasn't all above the jokes, just a week before this incident he drew a picture of a space shuttle and taped it on the wall above my place on the ballet barre. He told me I was its Commander-in-Chief. I tried to correct him by telling him I would be a "captain" and that commander-in-chief is more like the President and . . . I think I was dismissed from that class, too. Hmmm . . . Anarchy!!!!

It's been an odd few weeks, in retrospect I would like to end with a list of songs Miss M caught me getting down to in my van on my lunch breaks.

Sara Bareilles, Love Song
Jay Z, Can I Get A . . .
Biggie, Hypnotize
Carrie Underwood, Before He Cheats
Michael Jackson, Billie Jean
Queen, We Are The Champions
Jamie Foxx, Blame It
Groove Theory, Tell Me
Quite possibly my favorite song of '09
David Guetta, Sexy Chick
Alicia Keys, Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart then switched the station after to If I Ain't Got You

This all pales in comparison to the day I walked past her office singing Journey's Don't Stop Believing. Oh, excuse me, singing on the top of my lungs.

My favorite movie in the whole wide world was on this weekend. My friend Michael Bolton gets the whole car singing thing.