Friday, August 14, 2009

Spinning Yarns

Do you know how I know that you have no idea what MAKES a man?

Because I don't know. No one does. If we knew, what fun would that be?

A poem within a poem
a moment within a moment
Did you smell the burnt
of your bagel as the girl behind the counter
cleaned the toaster, the cacophony of scrapes.
I found a song in that
crumbs are what will be left
of our New Yorker kind of breakfast
The newspaper article you point out to me
with the overly descriptive caption
The one lone car making its way
out--- I want out.
I want to be that car.
Not the driver, not the passenger
The car.
I want to feel your skin against my interior and hear you sing
along to the song blaring from my speakers
I want my bass to reverberate inside your chest cavity
keep my windows down so you can feel the breeze brush your face
with my sun roof those rays will always shine on you
when it rains I'll work hard to keep the view clear and light your way through any storm
I want to be able to see
you find friends, old and new
and hear you laugh
at inside jokes I may never understand.
And I want to see you cry.
I want to go so fast and break so many rules you beg to get out
I want to hear you scream and sense your panic
I want you to never forget fight-or-flight
you can make it
I will keep your heart pumping.

Update 08/15/09: This stays.

Update 08/16/09: This stays. I don't.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Another Way to Die

Screw the Perseids. I've always been an Orionids kind of gal. They were the first meteor shower I ever saw, and reporting on our school's outing to see them, the first story I ever wrote for my high school newspaper. The Orionids are in October and are the love dust from Halley's Comet (another Celestial Love of mine). A friend and I camped out on the beach last night in attempts to see the Pussies . . . I mean, the Perseids, what most consider one of the best-to-view meteor showers (approximately 60 meteors per hour). But after an hour of trying to simply catch a glimpse of the moon, hidden by clouds, we gave up and decided to go home and watch Quantum of Solace. Sidenote: My dream playlist would be all the songs written for the beginning credits of the Bond Films. Sooo sexy.

Another Way To Die, Jack White and Alicia Keys

Before we popped the movie in, while we were sucking on some freezepops, I finally got to see The Debarted. It was one of those episodes of the Simpsons I regret (believe me I use that word sparingly in my life, and almost NEVER use it for television/movies/books . . . etc.) having missed. Possible best quote from Principle Skinner, "I'm gonna be all over you . . . like a numerator over a denominator." Bad ass, Skinner, bad ass. Love, love, love the music choices for the episode as well, "Cruisin," D'Angelo version, and Drop Kick Murphy's "I'm Shipping up to Boston."


Aye, Aye

Dinosaur Comics


Lump Sum

While watching more True Blood last week I had a funny conversation with Alison Wonderland about what working in retail would be like if vampires really were out of the coffin. First, our retail chain would be the first to stay open to accommodate the new clientele, and I would be the first in line to sign up for the Vamp Shift. Oh my God, the marketing would be enough to fuel my snark for decades.

Been watching a lot of Late Night shit. I'm on the fence about a lot of it.

Some girl said "Let's peace" to her mother the other day. I sort of wanted to punch her.