Saturday, September 5, 2009

I caught them barking at the moon

And on occasion, George Burns.

Chapter 60, Chapter 50

Chapter 74, Chapter 84

With forever beyond our grasp, I will be thankful for what we had.

Chapter 71

Chapter 36

Chapter 27

I could watch Black Cab Sessions all day just for the cabbie intro's. :)

Love VV Brown

Yeah, this chickie is fresh.

Check out her Black Cab Session, here.

Saturday Soundtrack

Friday, September 4, 2009

Adventures in Target

Like my socks you will.

This morning I went out to breakfast with my future *man of honor, we cursed SSC students who don't know how to drive, saw a child molester van, and had a serious debate . . . my love of Lil Wayne.

I've tried to deny it. I tried to stick by my fellow women last summer and say Lil Wayne's "Lollipop" was disrespectful to women . . . yadda yadda. I've even said I've found the sight of him repulsive. This is all a lie. A horrible front. I will admit that if Lil Wayne swaggered up to me in a club and whispered, "Hey Shorty" my knees would buckle. I've found him oddly irrestible since Destiny Child's Soldier. I remember thinking to myself, Now, who is that cool cat? But Rey, my man of honor, wasn't calling me out on this front. He was trying to convince me that really wouldn't like Lil Wayne, that I really couldn't handle Lil Wayne. Well, Mister, I have news for you.

I've heard he doesn't write his "rhymes" down. You know who else didn't write anything down . . . Socrates (and for the record, Socrates was hit with the homely stick something awful, and I'd still probably have a mini-crush on him). I'm not saying Lil Wayne's ugly, I'm just trying to prove to Rey that looks mean very little to me when it comes to chemistry and physical attraction. Lil Wayne is definately a Hot Boy.

But how could I prove to him that I could handle Lil Wayne. Then, as if God was watching, while we were in Target (in the Men's section) looking at t-shirts Rey wandered away leaving me alone. Some huge thugged out man, he was like 6' 8" tall, came up to me and said, "Hey shawty rockin' RUN DMC (I was wearing my Target bought DMC shirt and standing in front of the same shirt on the t-shirt wall like a tool bag). I can respect that. Looks good on you."

I literally turned to my left with my yoda socks in hand and ran to electronics. I'm so hood.

Rey found me looking at DVD's a few minutes later and said, "So how'd it go with Lil Wayne over there?"

He saw the whole thing. You win this round, Pepen. But I still think I would razz Lil Wayne's berries.

I like to pick one song a summer and make it my theme song. One summer it was T-Pain's Buy You a Drink, last summer it was Usher's Love In This Club, but this summer it's all about my boy Lil Wayne with his Every Girl.

And to all the girls who think this is disrespectful, I never give an honest man a hard time. Men think of us this way. Thank you for being honest, Mr. Carter. I'd prefer a man letting me know where I stand then stringing me along letting me think it might be something more.

* A man of honor is the male equivalent to a "maid of honor." I saw proof of this actual wedding role on What Not To Wear. If Stacey and Clinton say it's so . . . it is so.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Philosophy Majors

English Majors get enraged when you misplace a comma (I agree it does make a difference . . . ) or use a large word incorrectly. Thank goodness for these smart souls and dictionaries.

A Philosophy Major will get worked up when they find too many people using any word, regardless of its size, interchangeably (it seems) with no clear definition. But everyone knows what it means . . .

Sure just like you believed the teacher when she pointed at the ABC's on the board and said welcome to the trap. In America these 26 letters will bind you, define you and haunt you. You will never escape these words and you will live your life under the delusion you are communicating with people with these words. Technologies will further the divide . . . people did better with blind faith in each other and homing pigeons. But go ahead, put all your eggs in one proverbial basket. Tattoo it on your body. Even an image will invoke words. Words that will be twisted into any meaning any person wants. Be arbitrary.

I wouldn't know what to do with myself if my blog and my twitter account were the only way to communicate with the people I care about. Hearing two friends recount their trip with good old kodak photographs over a few beers and some wine is infinitely better than seeing them online. Seeing them online is infinitely better than never seeing them at all. It's all relative, Loves.

Stay Gold,
Cindy Mayweather


Poker Face- Pixie Lott (Lady Gaga cover)

Outta Here- Pixie Lott (Esmee Denters' cover)

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Month Off, Potential New

They asked me to take a new position at work. I could have haggled for a few cents more maybe. It would have got me out of a stressful department at work. It would have been one more "thing" to add to me resume (barf). It would have meant something new.

But . . .

It was cooped up in an office. I don't do offices or cubicles.

I'm taking a month off, so the poor woman already covering in there wouldn't have gotten the vacation she wanted.

I would have been taking the opportunity away from someone else who deserves it.

If I do leave for IL (for good) after the new year, it would have been screwing the poor woman over even more (she would have had to train someone new all over again).

A few people told me to just take it, screw the corporation I work for. What have they ever done for me? Nothing. But that's just it. The corporation doesn't care who handles the job (so long as they're competent, and preferably cheap) and they'd work that other woman to the bone if they could. I don't want that for her.

Time Travel

The Tallest Man on Earth: Where Do My Bluebird Fly from on Vimeo.

Promises to Myself

I will only work where the "every day" people are as crazy and nutty as the people who work and shop at the Marsh.

I will be selectively literal until the day I die.

I will be glad for each day, good or bad.

I will give people a chance, even the ones I hate right off the bat (case and point, my friend Sara . . . "hate" is a strong word).

I will never be good about keeping the cell phone near me, but I'll get better at returning phone calls/texts.

I will not worry about the "boy" thing. They come (no pun intended) and go at will, and I'll always be inclined to let them.

I will always "honor" the wing man role, and wish I could be a better one for Reysons. Bro's before ho's . . . knowing full well, your "bro's" will always fall back in support of you finding love, never hinder.

I will never blame some one, anyone, for my actions or "lonely no action." Ever.

Damn be this wind.

With a little help from the Postman, Fritz Lang and Townes Van Zandt are making their way to Fearless this week. Yesssss.