Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Philosophy Majors

English Majors get enraged when you misplace a comma (I agree it does make a difference . . . ) or use a large word incorrectly. Thank goodness for these smart souls and dictionaries.

A Philosophy Major will get worked up when they find too many people using any word, regardless of its size, interchangeably (it seems) with no clear definition. But everyone knows what it means . . .

Sure just like you believed the teacher when she pointed at the ABC's on the board and said welcome to the trap. In America these 26 letters will bind you, define you and haunt you. You will never escape these words and you will live your life under the delusion you are communicating with people with these words. Technologies will further the divide . . . people did better with blind faith in each other and homing pigeons. But go ahead, put all your eggs in one proverbial basket. Tattoo it on your body. Even an image will invoke words. Words that will be twisted into any meaning any person wants. Be arbitrary.

I wouldn't know what to do with myself if my blog and my twitter account were the only way to communicate with the people I care about. Hearing two friends recount their trip with good old kodak photographs over a few beers and some wine is infinitely better than seeing them online. Seeing them online is infinitely better than never seeing them at all. It's all relative, Loves.

Stay Gold,
Cindy Mayweather

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