Saturday, August 29, 2009


I've been meaning to check up on the status of Cookie Monster for some time. Phew, with a little moderation, he's safe.

Saturday Night Lullaby

Friday, August 28, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

List of Life Savers

Here is a list of things that saved my life, they may not be my favorite things but they came along at times in my life when I really needed them.

1. Edward Scissorhands

For that reason, and that reason alone, I will always give Burton a shot.

2. The Beatles

It's getting hard to be someone, but it all works out.

3. Doing the Dishes

I feel very satisfied when scouring a dirty pan.

4. Vodka Tonics (with two limes)

It's not my favorite drink . . . but its my go to drink when I'm blue.

5. Kevin Costner

Like I even have to explain . . . and when he wears that ribbed, blue sweater in Message In A Bottle, oh my, the things I'd do to that man.

6. Catherine Feeney's Mr.Blue

I just thought the song was great when I first heard it, then I met my Mr. Blue . . . ♥
He saved my life, too. ♥ ♥ ♥

7. Johnny Cash, the man, the myth, the legend . . . and this photo

Chalk it up to experience

Andia gone wild.

I am secretly a Samurai.

One Day


This representation does nothing for my assets.

I love my mutant ears, Andia.

Your head's not really that big; it was your hair, Andia.

Sorry, kid. I'm no van Gogh.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Not fair . . . perhaps

King Rat --- Modest Mouse

Fucking Nuts. The last thing I built with Legos was a ladder for my rat. She was too heavy and kept breaking it. 1500 hrs . . . crazy.

Short story update, I was going to get Patty (with a "y" not an "i" I think the "y" is the most under appreciated letter of the whole alphabet, it has 2 jobs, you know, works as a consonant, and sometimes a vowel) out of Alaska. But I think she has more potential in desolation. We'll see what the open terrain brings her.


Today in layaway a little boy asked his grandma if the kids at school would still pick on him in his new Ed Hardy shirts. She didn't know what to say.

"People who mind, don't matter. People who matter, don't mind."

Some kid in a Primus band shirt wanted to buy a particular pan that we just didn't have anymore. It took ten minutes and 3 different people and he still walked away confused. The fact that he was wearing a Primus shirt had nothing to do with him smoking too much weed.

I saw a new version of my Lover Boy Ed Hardy shirt at work. It looked like it got in a fight with a Bedazzle Gun . . . or Patti, she puts rhinestones on everything.

I think you're just as ridiculous for not buying a shirt you like because of the name on the label as someone who buys something God awful just for the name.

Don't be in a relationship with someone you can't share your day with (no matter how boring of a day it was). One of my exes would never let me talk about my day at work. It made me feel worthless. On a sort of related note (that ex got me into watching Lost) I was talking a little about the series with a friend a few weeks back. Trying to remember what I could of it, I started to remember why I stopped following . . . I broke up with said ex before the start of season 3 and started having really good sex. Haha.

Some bitch went off on me today because SHE lost her coffee (she put it down, forgot about it for a while, and the reality of the matter, someone probably just threw it away). Eat shit and die, bitch.

I forgot to bring the first season of Mad Men to work for Stephen (and I still don't remember if it's Steven or Stephen . . . I mean to look at his name badge EVERY TIME I see him). His mom took a turn for the worse and he was really looking forward to the distraction. I suck. :/

Wendy's fucking nuts . . . in a very good way. It's most entertaining.

Alison Wonderland is leaving for school. I love/hate that.

Soap face is putting in her two weeks along with Mary from Marshalls. I love/hate that, as well.

I'm going to look up Zumba classes. Yep.

I worked like . . . 40 hours in the last four days. I'm ready for "my weekend."

Sunday, August 23, 2009

August Remix

Keep it hott.

Excited for:

1. Fall bangs

2. Topsfield Fair

3. Pumpkin Ale

4. Illinois

5. Halloween with Jordan

6. Cornfields, Orchids, Uncle Jim's Farm

7. Lameness there (as opposed to the lameness here)

8. Mos Def and Talib Kweli

Marry me?

RE: list of favorite books and writers (machine color)

I'm leaving poets for another day

Herman Hesse

Mark Twain (his short stories most of all & The Diaries of Adam and Eve)

Albert Camus


Ayn Rand (We The Living & The Virtue of Selfishness more than Atlas Shrugged and Fountainhead, those clunkers were more for the cool cats just trying to look cool, but well written nonetheless)




Alasdair MacIntyre

T.H. White's The Once and Future King

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front

Frank McCourt, Tom Robbins, Truman Capote, James Joyce, George Orwell

Brian Friel, Bertolt Brecht, and Tony Kushner

Barbara Kingsolver, Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison, Sylvia Plath, Zora Neale Hurston

Agatha Christie, James Ellroy (only The Black Dahlia and L.A. Confidential)

Michel Crichton, Lewis Carroll, Philip K. Dick, Aldous Huxley, H. G. Wells

Lois Lowry, Roald Dahl, Shel Silverstein, Theodor Seuss Geisel
yeah . . . that's a good start