Saturday, February 20, 2010

So good

(No matter where you're going.)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

RE: list of things that make me happy 2010 (machine color)

a list in picture form and in no particular order

flipping people off, old people, vacation-wear, the beach

babies with fuzzy hair, cake messes

adidas all the way

books, wine, cakes with fruit toppings, burlesque dancers, queens, vests, ruffles, fishnet tights, boobies

Elvis, Hawaiian shirts, lays, ukuleles

Pirates are sexy

An interview worth reading.

I found this interview inspiring in a number of ways. I like that he came right out and said that what he was doing was illegal, and not morally sound (he did try to justify it, but I found some of those points compelling).

Maybe if the twinge of guilt is still there and the appreciation for the art itself remains intact, perhaps the means to acquire said art could be considered a secondary sin at best, er worst.

So kudos, The Real Caterpillar. Great handle!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

You wanna talk about games ...

Poor Ender Wiggin

The one real thing, the one precious real thing was his memory of Valentine, the person who loved him before he ever played a game, who loved him whether there was a buggar war or not, and they had taken her and put her on their side. She was one of them now . . . He had had only one memory that was safe, one good thing, and those bastards had plowed it into him with the rest of the manure--- and so he was finished, he wasn't going to play.

And who could blame him? We cherish the memories that remind us we're human .... whatever that means.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I wish

It's my birthday and I wish there was some nicer way to put this song on here.

Have we all heard some version of the Judgment of Solomon before? If not follow the link.

So now that we're all on the same page, it is what it is, it's just one of those things, it's complicated and . . .

"When the soul and the heart can no longer bear the burden, the lungs take over one half of it, so that the weight will at least be evenly distributed."--- Kafka, on his lung illness

Does that make it any clearer?

I don't want to see you torn apart, and if that means I breathe a little heavier, if things are a little rougher . . . well, that's just how it has to be.


Poetry Corner

Monday, February 15, 2010

But they'll still look in your eyes

to find the human inside . . .

Make me feel tiny if it makes you feel tall . . .

Yeah you're the shit, but you won't be it for long.

When you don't care then you got nothing to lose.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


To download Peter Gabriel's cover of Bon Iver's Flume, sign up here.

All of Post Secret's posted secrets were great today. But this one hit home.

I didn't know anything at 22, and now just days before my 26th birthday, I must admit to not knowing that much more.

Maybe xkcd will shed some light with scientific prove of love.

In the movie Lars and the Real Girl, an important point was made about growing up. It's one of those things that sticks with me.

Lars Lindstrom: I was talking to Bianca, and she was saying that in her culture they have these rites of passages and rituals and ceremonies, and, just all kinds of things that, when you do them, go through them, let you know that you're an adult? Doesn't that sound great?

: It does.

Lars Lindstrom
: How'd you know?

: How'd I know what?

Lars Lindstrom
: That you were a man

: Ahhh. I couldn't tell ya.

Lars Lindstrom
: Was it... okay, was it sex?

: Um. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's uh, yeah, yeah it's kind of - it's uh - no. Well, it's kind of sex but it's not uh, you know? I don't know. I don't know. It's - uh - good question, good question.

Lars Lindstrom
: Yeah, but I have to know

: [dryer buzzes] Hold that thought.

: [in basement] You know, you should ask Dagmar

Lars Lindstrom
: I did ask Dagmar. And she said that I should ask you.

: Okay, you know I can only give you my opinion.

Lars Lindstrom
: That's what we want

: Well, it's not like you're one thing or the other, okay? There's still a kid inside but you grow up when you decide to do right, okay, and not what's right for you, what's right for everybody, even when it hurts.

Lars Lindstrom
: Okay, like what?

: Like, you know, like, you don't jerk people around, you know, and you don't cheat on your woman, and you take care of your family, you know, and you admit when you're wrong, or you try to, anyways. That's all I can think of, you know - it sound like it's easy and for some reason it's not.
Sometimes you want to make the people you love happy. But then you look at all the facts, you count the number of times you've hurt them and as much as you want to keep trying to get things right you realize they just may be better off without you. And that's love. Just love of a different sort.

The Original