Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sweet Dreams, Saturday Night Lullaby

Enjoy the final bit of beautiful May weather. Sweet dreams til sun beams find you . . .

Dream hard and play fair,
Cindy Mayweather

Friday, May 29, 2009

Up, up, up and Away!!!!

Today was kind of shitty. Just "kind of" though.

This makes it better.

Working out, homework and seeing Up with some other old farts. ♥
I'm very excited to meet Russell.

Combat Baby

Tell me what rockers to swallow

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tough questions deserve tough answers.

On Twitter Miss Soleil Moon Frye asked sexy birds all over which John Hughes movie earned their top spot out of Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club, and Sixteen Candles. Probably one of the toughest questions ever posed . . . in the world let alone the Twittersphere.

I took a dip with the Fail Whale and together we came up with a long, completely non-definitive answer.

Pretty in Pink

  • Molly Ringwald has possibly one of the cutest red-headed bobs in the world and the most appeasing round-pouty lips. And her vintage chic sense of fashion made every little girl dream of playing dress up. Rule No. 1 in fashion, if you believe in the look, haters will be jealous and the right people will dig it.
  • Jon Cryer and his character Duckie. Enough said.
  • This scene.
  • Annie Pot's Wardrobe. Pow. Bam. Boom.
  • The names Blane and Steff . . . wtf. Oh, Steff as a man's name.
  • And the biggest con, so it really counts as 5, it's an 11 on the heartbreak volume, Duckie doesn't end up with Andie. It still hurts.
The Breakfast Club

  • Good golly Miss Molly's in it, but besides her it's just a perfect ensemble cast.
  • Eat my shorts.
  • It takes place in a library. Fucking-A.
  • Anthony Michael Hall's character "Brian Johnson" flies solo. No love for the geeks.
  • I know I said it was an ensemble cast, but alone, Ally Sheedy's character, "Allison Reynolds" always irked me. No clue why.
  • We watched this film in my high school Health class and everyone took it upon themselves to act out each scene for weeks. For an example of how annoying that can be watch this.
Sixteen Candles

  • Michael Schoeffling never did much for me.
  • They fucking forgot her 16th birthday. That's just upsetting (my family forgot my 12th . . . it wasn't a milestone).
  • Spandau Ballet's "True" is a favorite but . . . compared to the other two movies, its soundtrack is the weakest.
So looking at the lists while Pretty in Pink has more pro's, it also technically has more con's. Like I said a tough question and no definitive answer. Hmph.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Always a Yummy Ending

stolen from Le Love.

I ♥ Cupcakes.

And no one can resist a sexy squash.

Speaking of sexy vegetables . . .

Thanks Edward Weston for just being you.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's the little things . . .

Sometimes we could all use somebody . . . a little hero perhaps. From little people.

For the Ms. Wonderlands in my life . . .

That's right . . . plural . . . I'm so pimp.

I learned about this video from one of the Ms. Wonderlands little brothers (little brothers truly are the best).

But I was reminded of it by this post by the other Ms. Wonderland.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Mrs. Robinson

Mrs. Robinson was my favorite teacher at LEHS. She was a math teacher of all things (I detested math) and saw that while I might never be her best student in math she always gave me props for trying. I'd spend 40 extra minutes with her almost every morning and I'd always be there on her extra help days after school. If it wasn't for her I would have let Geometry kick my butt. Thanks for never giving up on me, Mrs. Robinson.

The difference between falling in love and dying . . .

It's all in the edits.

To love oneself . . .

Sources tell me a cupcake was responsible for this delicious mess.

I wish you saw a tenth of the beautiful person (inside and out) I saw, and still see, when I look at you.

I wish you believed me when I say you take my breath away and move me to similar tired cliches.

Fun Facts You May Not Know About Cindy Mayweather

If she could she would adopt every kid without a home regardless of their age and despite any of their "ailments." They would all be loved unconditionally; everyone should know unconditional love in their lifetime.

My hand will always be there . . .

Love Is In Love - Geggy Tah

I want you to know this kind of love.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

At the beach

While combing the beach for inspiration I decided to find a cozy spot to sit and read. I forgot my New York Tyrant (a fantastic rag everyone should give a go). I dug through my purse and found a book I'd finished reading months ago, Even Cowgirls Get the Blues by Tom Robbins. I delighted in reading some of the passages I highlighted and tried to remember why if I hadn't taken the liberty of writing the reason why at the time . . . one simply highlighted passage,

If space is love, Professor, then is love space? Or is love something we use to fill space? If time eats the doughnut, does love eat the hole?

I can imagine several reasons why the passage struck me then and why it still does. I'm a fan of Robbins writing because he likes his tangents (I'll admit he lost me about 1000000 times in Villa Incognito, but his tangents in ECGtB were right on).