Sunday, May 24, 2009

At the beach

While combing the beach for inspiration I decided to find a cozy spot to sit and read. I forgot my New York Tyrant (a fantastic rag everyone should give a go). I dug through my purse and found a book I'd finished reading months ago, Even Cowgirls Get the Blues by Tom Robbins. I delighted in reading some of the passages I highlighted and tried to remember why if I hadn't taken the liberty of writing the reason why at the time . . . one simply highlighted passage,

If space is love, Professor, then is love space? Or is love something we use to fill space? If time eats the doughnut, does love eat the hole?

I can imagine several reasons why the passage struck me then and why it still does. I'm a fan of Robbins writing because he likes his tangents (I'll admit he lost me about 1000000 times in Villa Incognito, but his tangents in ECGtB were right on).

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