Sunday, December 20, 2009

See you on the radio

My dad and I love this part of A Christmas Story. We always try to flip back to see it during the movie's 24 hour run on TNT.

"You look like a deranged Easter Bunny!" That line gets Big Jim every time, sort of like the part in The Burbs when the swinging door takes out the plate of cookies. I know it's coming but dear God I practically pee myself every time I see it. And I'm sad to say I couldn't find a clip of that (I may have just continually watched it until I laughed myself to sleep so . . . ).

Christmas Day is my ONLY day off, wtf?

Worked 11 hours today on 4 hours of poor sleep. So exhausted. Had an emotional weekend, I hate emotional weekends. But I'm glad to say that unlike this time last year I found composure somewhere and no mental break downs in any department stores occurred. And Big Jim requested a new red plaid shirt instead of an Hawaiian one this year. It's cool because for his birthday last year I got him a sick Hawaiian one and a t-shirt with a sexy lady in a martini glass. We're a classy kind of family . . .

Tomorrow is project elf costume. Oh yes, I will be an elf for everyone's entertainment on Christmas Eve along with a few other brave co-workers.

Bummed to hear Buffalo Tom will be performing at First Night this year. I already made plans with other friends. This deeply saddens me. The thought of another year trudging through Boston on New Year's is not promising but it's Buffalo Tom. Goddammit.

Soooooo sleepy. Soooo sweepy . . . . zzzzzzz

Update: I just stood in front of the fridge for waaaaay too long to decide on apple sauce . . . And Gangland is on. Fuck yeah.

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