Thursday, December 31, 2009

It Should Be Noted

I made a deal with a co-worker back in 'o8. I believe the deal was I could leave work early for a date if I read Twilight. The date canceled on me, but no "takey backsies." I then tried to get out of reading Twilight by going line-dancing. Both things were eventually done (with much whining on my part). Turns out I love line-dancing and still hate Twilight and I lost track of that date long ago in a galaxy far, far away . . .

But I can't help but thanking that date, for canceling on me, that is and for not showing up several other times I might add. He texted me once the phrase, "It is what it is." Now, for anyone with half a philosophical brain, and in my case other half absent-minded professor brain, this may just be one of the decade's most mind-numbing catch phrases. It implies that a = b. But in most cases with the advent of so much technology so fast and everyone just scrambling to catch up and the age of nuance gone, "a" in one person's mind, is not the "a" in the other person's mind, likewise with "b" and what you end up with is some seemingly definitive statement of pure and utter nonsense. It implies a lack of responsibility of an outcome in some instances, and in others it's simply a response when no response is really necessary. It implies that change is or would have been impossible. Now granted, there are instances where this phrase is appropriate, but it wasn't then, in my mind. However, being how things are now, I am glad that "it was what it was." (Past tense completely appropriate.) Given the option, mistakes and all, I wouldn't have changed a God damn thing.

Including the fact, that last year on the eve of New Year's Eve, I didn't take my phone with me to work out. I left it in the family room. My brother told me he heard it ring regularly then it did some odd thing where it only rang once and went straight to voice mail. Ah, well, it is what it is, I suppose.

Screw 'o9, you're getting old. Happy New Year's.

Oh, and excuse my brutal rape of grammar, I'm no editor.

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