Friday, April 3, 2009

Because I Had to Rant

The other day I worked a shift for some kid shipping off to Romania to do volunteer work for a week (honestly, I did NOT make that up, I'm not THAT creative). I figured that would be my good deed for the week. Then it happened. The night was starting off so well and then a coworker handed me a clipping from a printout of a forum he had been reading about our store. I'm not real sure of the context of the forum, I only had the one post, but boy did it get my blood boiling.

"The manager at that store is a real a-hole. I was in there about a month ago and bought a new pair of shoes at the olimpia sports accross the way. I wore them in there to shop right after I purchased them. When I went into the bathroom in Marshalls which is always dirty and extra disgusting, I stepped in human poo that was all over the bathroom floor. When I told him about it he put a "closed" sign in front of it, didn't offer an assistance/apologies etc. I asked him for a disinfectant wipe for the bottom of my shoe, as I would be heading to my car and he told me to wait in line at the return desk. When I was standing there for quite some time I then asked him if I should keep waiting in line and he said he would check and he said the best he could do was a windex spray and gave me attitude. The empoyees there are extra miserable and after talking to one of them I guess the mgr there is a real problem."--- Mrs MC (source)

Dear Mrs. MC,
Please suck my left nut . . . not the right one, the left. You make me sick. The next time you come in our store looking for "cheap name brands for less" I would like you to look to the left of you and then to the right and ANYONE without a Marshalls name tag on, yes look deep into their eyes, is the culprit. I can guarantee that while the thought of walking into the public restrooms and "leaving a present" has crossed my mind several times, I would actually never do it (I have some self-respect). One of your fellow customers shit on the ground and according to OSHA not one single associate head-manager on down is certified to clean that mess. We hire an independent cleaning company (that is certified) to clean those bathrooms every morning and how you assholes continue to muck it up I'll never know. Bathrooms, by the way, that we have no legal obligation to have. Oh, sorry to hear about your new shoes that you bought at another (competing) establishment. And I know the manager you're talking about. He's a sweet-heart. You're a dumb bitch who stepped in shit. LOOK WHERE YOU'RE WALKING NEXT TIME!!!!!!
Marshalls Slave For Life

Because I mentioned Weezer yesterday and I need a few of these today . . .

This song finds it's way into my head often.

This song plays in my head when I see Alison's Mom!!! ♥ You don't have to go home but you can't stay here ♥ I know who I want to take me home. ♥

Haven't we all, Sharon?

My yesterday was blue, dear . . .

It's all a state of mind . . .

I won't forget about Saturday Night Lullaby, Loves. Pinky Promise.


1 comment:

Alison Lo said...

people are gross. and people are mean. especially at marshalls. the end.