Friday, April 3, 2009

Fun Crazy Joaquin Phoenix Fact

He directed this dark video for People In Planes and I suppose this song finds it ways to my eardrums on occasion. Not as much as their Falling by the Wayside.

Falling by the Wayside reminds me of my favorite Spring rituals. Within the next few weeks the impulse, the desire, the need will strike me to take a dip in the Atlantic Ocean. Some years I only get up to my knees (it's fucking cold) and other years I go all in. It's purely therapeutic. The salt water (in an ironic twist) while it stings open wounds, it helps to cure them. No pain, no gain. Like busting through glass . . .
When I hear this song, it feels like floating. I think some people have horrifying experiences that leave their mark on them forever. One you often hear about is drowning. In 1989, Marcelle handed over the reigns to Big Jim (aka my mom and dad) for the day. He took us to the Aquarium. I'm not a huge fan of seeing animals in captivity, but . . . I was four. I didn't know about this inclination yet. They were having an exhibit on Sting Rays and Big Jim was holding me literally by the seat of my pants over the edge of the tank. The water was, I'm guessing about 4 feet deep, I was I'm guessing NOT 4 feet (I'm barely 5'4" now . . . okay I'm 5 ' 3 1/2 " I like to round up) soooo keep that fact in mind. These creatures are beautiful, they're like beautiful birds of the ocean the way they soar through the water. I wanted to touch one so bad. I kept getting my hand close and pulling my hand away, also a little terrified at what might happen. The next events happened quite fast, Big Jim was enjoying my curiosity as well, and then it must have dawned on him he had another kid. I heard him call for my little brother and the rest of the events outside of the water are hazy to me. One second I'm delighting in the world my hands are reaching for, the next I'm literally drowning in it. There I was, half of me in the water, the other half dangled awkwardly over the edge. The edge of the tank was slender and sharp and it hurt my belly when Big Jim let go of me. I was initially winded and what do you do you gasp for air and all I got was a mouth full of water. I couldn't reach the bottom to push myself up and I starting to kick my legs. The actual scene could not have lasted more than 30 seconds, someone from the Aquarium grabbed me. Big Jim was back at my side in less than another 30 dragging my little brother behind him. I don't blame Big Jim for dropping me, or my little bro for running off. It was an unfortunate series of events but in the end, luckily, no one was seriously hurt. I never got to touch one of those beautiful sea birds, but I did get to be in their world for a bit.

Fun Crazy Joaquin Fact # 2. When Joaquin was four he went up to his dad and demanded his name be changed to something more along the lines of the names of his brother, River, and his sister, Rainbow. From that day on until he got some sense (though his sense is a hot topic of debate nowadays) he was called Leaf. I've never seen Joaquin before, but when I make the trek from the Bean to the Apple, I always try to stop at Teany. Aside from being a hot spot to spot the crazy nut-bag, it has some of the yummiest tea-bags and food around. I'm a working girl, and when I work I need coffee. When I unwind . . . nothing soothes my soul better than peppermint tea with honey.


Alison Lo said...

"If you talk too much my head will explode" is probably my favorite song ever. It totally explains how I feel 70% of the time. and "falling by the wayside" is good too.I have the whole CD but the other songs are nowhere near as good.

Alison Lo said...

oh, and i had never seen the video for the song, so thanks! the video version is slightly different from the one i have...