Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Twittersphere, schmitersphere

So you scoured the net looking for the things in this world that made you happy.
I scour the world looking for people to meet and love. That makes me happy.
Shitty jokes make me happy (they're just proof of an intent to make someone smile).
I think the youth and the elderly are under-appreciated sources of warmth. I think it's sick how we treat our parents/grandparents. When I was 18 all I wanted to do was runaway from home and get away from my parents . . . now all I do is regret all the times I was a teenager and told them to get lost.

Parents will be parents. The good ones will always get a little tough on your ass BUT and here's where they'll be proud of you some years down the road, if they raised you right (which my parents did) you'll know when to ignore their advice. My mother's form of advice is slamming a lot of things, a few good whacks, and the silent treatment for a few weeks. When people fight, they always say hurtful things, but in our house, it's all water under the bridge.

You ask time, and time, and time again, who am I? There really isn't much mystery. I'm a daughter, a sister and a friend.

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