Saturday, December 25, 2010

White Christmas

What!?! You thought these guys originally sang it?

And you thought it was just a song about snow falling?

It's a love song if ever I've heard one . . .

Friday, November 5, 2010


I'm waiting to toast to Kanye before the year is up. But thanks for putting the NYC Ballerinas in your video.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Just Smile

At work they have some lame smile initiative. It's lame. But this song . . .

Don't smile for anyone but yourself.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dear Prudence, Why Don't You Come Out And Play And Get Out Of My Writing Journal

I have the innate devotion to the marriage between words, and yet the darker side of me believes wholeheartedly in torrid love affairs. Why should we deprive our beloved words of passionate happiness?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Wire Rant

Okay so here's my gripe. In trying to have a sensible conversation about favorite TV shows with some kid from one of my classes last week I started telling him how I couldn't wait to get home from class so I could lay in my bed and be sick and watch Gangland on Netflix Watch Instantly. That led him to tell me that one of his favorite shows of all time is The Wire which I completely understand, it's a great show, one with depth and compelling plot lines and ... get the picture. Then he tells me how he completely empathizes with a lot of the characters on the show and well I sort of maybe lost it a little. My rant went a little something like this, "You empathize with them ... really? Do you sell drugs? Do you live in the projects? Are you a detective or a politician on the take? Are you from Baltimore? How do you empathize with those characters!?! I mean I love Gangland, but I can't relate to anyone I see on it. I'm pretty sure the only people allowed to EMPATHIZE with anyone on these shows are people who have been in at least one street fight and have been arrested once in their life for something OTHER THAN lewd behavior for a senior prank that was supposed to make you look cool to all your hipsters friends on the DANGEROUS streets of Boxford, MA. I'm sorry but your Andrew Jenks cap covering your Justin Beiber haircut coupled with your non-prescription Buddy Holly glasses and Kanye West-schmedium sense of style is throwing me off."

His response, "I actually live in Hamilton and my friends and I were never arrested for drawing penises all over the freshmen lockers."

I am Jack Donaghy.

Look, I say I love Gangland, but the most hood thing about me is that I have a favorite episode of the show. My "street" friends like me because I'm myself with them. Black men like me because I ask stupid questions like "No, really how would I know if I'd love your black thunder if I don't know what your black thunder is?" I know what it is, but asking stupid questions is my defense mechanism in uncomfortable situations ... along with vicious rhetoric.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Yep. That's right.

So I like Tumblr because it's so much easier to view and share little tidbits of interweb greatness. But I miss the personalization of my Blogger. So I'm going to work on some healthy median between the two. Any way it ends up going down . . . the Bitch is Back!!!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Really Boys?

I love matinee Celtics games, but if you guys lose ... I swear.

Friday, February 26, 2010


I just want to tell people to "Fuck off!!!!!!!!!!" so bad, it hurts.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Why don't you put it on a blog . . .

I can't help but crank the volume up on the last half of the song. The rest of it is meh.

One of the sexiest videos I've seen in while.

I Believe in The Miracles

Don't you?

I definitely get down to the last one when they play that at the Marsh.

Soul knows no genre or language barrier. It's the foundation in art and it's either there, or it's not.

Que Sera Sera



A Trip to the Moon

Thank you NPR for the replay of the documentary on Rosemary. Made my day.

"And the melody [is] a stage on which the drum of a lyric is played out . . ."

Here's hoping we meet now and then.

Good night, wherever you are. ♥

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Embarrassing moments

So I'm pretty sure the last time I saw my cousin, Paul, I was 4 and dancing on the feet of our Uncle Rock. (Yes, that's an actual name.) Then there was an awkward moment with his aunt (my 2nd cousin) who tried to gave me his email address in high school when I was struggling with math. I really don't know much about the man but yesterday at a family function my mother decided to embarrass me by telling every one that I, too, am a writer but that the only story I've ever let her read was one I wrote back in the 4th grade about my grandmother's cats as Private Detectives Peanuts and Popcorn. It was a murder mystery with a talking parrot as the key piece of evidence that helped solve the case. I've been buying my mother Lehane books and Raymond Chandler books this past year and she's taken to none of them. This morning she begged me to get up early and grab a copy of the Globe with a story about Paul in it. Now she wants me to go on a search with her to buy his books. "Don't order them online," she says. "If we make a store order them, maybe the store will catch on and order more." That's my mom, the thinker.

Kill me. Somebody please kill me.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Real

I think it was in Kierkegaard's Either/Or where he describes a "real moment." You'll just feel it. You'll stop whatever it was you were doing and move. Like a panic attack, with all the anxiety, but rather than run from the thing, you'll run towards it. Can you even imagine the exhilaration? I imagine this song describes "real."

Saturday, February 20, 2010

So good

(No matter where you're going.)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

RE: list of things that make me happy 2010 (machine color)

a list in picture form and in no particular order

flipping people off, old people, vacation-wear, the beach

babies with fuzzy hair, cake messes

adidas all the way

books, wine, cakes with fruit toppings, burlesque dancers, queens, vests, ruffles, fishnet tights, boobies

Elvis, Hawaiian shirts, lays, ukuleles

Pirates are sexy

An interview worth reading.

I found this interview inspiring in a number of ways. I like that he came right out and said that what he was doing was illegal, and not morally sound (he did try to justify it, but I found some of those points compelling).

Maybe if the twinge of guilt is still there and the appreciation for the art itself remains intact, perhaps the means to acquire said art could be considered a secondary sin at best, er worst.

So kudos, The Real Caterpillar. Great handle!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

You wanna talk about games ...

Poor Ender Wiggin

The one real thing, the one precious real thing was his memory of Valentine, the person who loved him before he ever played a game, who loved him whether there was a buggar war or not, and they had taken her and put her on their side. She was one of them now . . . He had had only one memory that was safe, one good thing, and those bastards had plowed it into him with the rest of the manure--- and so he was finished, he wasn't going to play.

And who could blame him? We cherish the memories that remind us we're human .... whatever that means.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I wish

It's my birthday and I wish there was some nicer way to put this song on here.

Have we all heard some version of the Judgment of Solomon before? If not follow the link.

So now that we're all on the same page, it is what it is, it's just one of those things, it's complicated and . . .

"When the soul and the heart can no longer bear the burden, the lungs take over one half of it, so that the weight will at least be evenly distributed."--- Kafka, on his lung illness

Does that make it any clearer?

I don't want to see you torn apart, and if that means I breathe a little heavier, if things are a little rougher . . . well, that's just how it has to be.


Poetry Corner

Monday, February 15, 2010

But they'll still look in your eyes

to find the human inside . . .

Make me feel tiny if it makes you feel tall . . .

Yeah you're the shit, but you won't be it for long.

When you don't care then you got nothing to lose.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


To download Peter Gabriel's cover of Bon Iver's Flume, sign up here.

All of Post Secret's posted secrets were great today. But this one hit home.

I didn't know anything at 22, and now just days before my 26th birthday, I must admit to not knowing that much more.

Maybe xkcd will shed some light with scientific prove of love.

In the movie Lars and the Real Girl, an important point was made about growing up. It's one of those things that sticks with me.

Lars Lindstrom: I was talking to Bianca, and she was saying that in her culture they have these rites of passages and rituals and ceremonies, and, just all kinds of things that, when you do them, go through them, let you know that you're an adult? Doesn't that sound great?

: It does.

Lars Lindstrom
: How'd you know?

: How'd I know what?

Lars Lindstrom
: That you were a man

: Ahhh. I couldn't tell ya.

Lars Lindstrom
: Was it... okay, was it sex?

: Um. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's uh, yeah, yeah it's kind of - it's uh - no. Well, it's kind of sex but it's not uh, you know? I don't know. I don't know. It's - uh - good question, good question.

Lars Lindstrom
: Yeah, but I have to know

: [dryer buzzes] Hold that thought.

: [in basement] You know, you should ask Dagmar

Lars Lindstrom
: I did ask Dagmar. And she said that I should ask you.

: Okay, you know I can only give you my opinion.

Lars Lindstrom
: That's what we want

: Well, it's not like you're one thing or the other, okay? There's still a kid inside but you grow up when you decide to do right, okay, and not what's right for you, what's right for everybody, even when it hurts.

Lars Lindstrom
: Okay, like what?

: Like, you know, like, you don't jerk people around, you know, and you don't cheat on your woman, and you take care of your family, you know, and you admit when you're wrong, or you try to, anyways. That's all I can think of, you know - it sound like it's easy and for some reason it's not.
Sometimes you want to make the people you love happy. But then you look at all the facts, you count the number of times you've hurt them and as much as you want to keep trying to get things right you realize they just may be better off without you. And that's love. Just love of a different sort.

The Original

Saturday, February 13, 2010


So my camera died . . . well I forgot to charge it rather, so all I could take were these photos with my phone of yesterday's adventure. Other people had cameras, somewhere out there in the internet world there are horribly embarrassing photos of me. Hopefully I'll never see them.

Always a happy bumper sticker to see, especially on the start of a trip!

This comforter at Motel 6 knocked my socks off! Just kidding, I always wear my socks in motel rooms. There were only a few funky smells. (And a hole in our tub, sorry no photo).

We may not have had an alarm or radio in our room, but we had a bottle opener . . . nailed to the wall. What else do you really need at a Motel 6?

This was the bull at Cadillac Ranch that I was too scared to tackle.

This is my photographic interpretation of the level of drunkenness I had reached at 4 AM in a Connecticut Denny's.

Funny facts

One of the guys from the trip kept telling me I could order a comforter just like the one from Motel 6 online. Why he knew that? I have no idea. Update: I think he's full of shit. I couldn't find anything about it.

Some man tried the, "Are you a model?" line on me. Twice. After he did it to my friend.

I danced with the most delightful older gentlemen. He was sweet. The last guy that grabbed me and swung me onto the dance floor was not.

My friend played this song for me in the car ride down. I have no idea why. But it was fucking hilarious.

I met a lady who said "fuck" and "douche bag" more than me. She was my hero. She also carried a gun and rides a motorcycle. Those last two things scare me. She rocked out to Lita Ford with me in the car.

When I was at the height of my drunken state, I had to try to show my other drunk friend how to throw a "West Side" gang sign. We looked like two very autistic children trying to communicate with one another. It was so she could pose for a picture with her other friend that looks very much like this one. But it is not. That chic has sweaty pits.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. I usually plan things around this holiday so I can spend it by myself and with close friends and family. It isn't a holiday for couples. It's a holiday to celebrate love and loved ones.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Creative Writing 101

I'm embarrassed to say how much I like an Uncle Kracker song. But I do, I do, I do so love this song. I loved this interview for it, too.

"It was just a conscience decision to write a positive song, Creative Writing 101, I guess."

Autopost is cool. Fingers crossed I'm on a mechanical bull by now, or at least eating some peanut butter chicken wings.

The Story of My Life

This horoscope is the story of my life.

If you are single, "When will you ever settle down!" will be the lament of your family. Someone you love may decide to take matters into their own hands and start pushing a strange and inappropriate assortment of potential partners in your face.

Caddy Ranch tonight!!! Then a whole weekend off. This is all so fantastic. Shut up stupid horoscope, nobody asked you.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Give it to 'em in black and white

Sweet Disposition

What an odd week. An odd week, indeed.

I had an emergency trip to see Dr. James Brown today. It's worth the co-pay just to hear him crack jokes. I'm okay. Finally finding a doctor that puts me at ease in such a hellish place feels great.

This is pretty pimp.

Finally saw (500) Days of Summer. Great movie. The boys were stuuuuuupid for not wanting to see it. I want a chalk board wall, I will have a chalk board wall. It was pretty great that the next day after seeing the movie, this song was the first song I heard at work.

I like it when cool things like that happen.

Speaking of cool things: My friend just asked me what time the midnight showing of The Wolfman was . . . I let him think that question over.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

I guess I'll take the sidewalk instead

I think living is learning to wade and exist through the 75% of life that is bull shit. And learning to love and appreciate the 25% of "real." Forgot about these lads.

Bull shit: Fame, fortune, elitist attitudes

I didn't know what was most important to me until it was taken away from me. It wasn't a person, yet an ability. Something I took for granted. I had no say in the matter. It was just one of those things. It made me change the course of my life, but with so much pain and grief. I still cling to the hope of a miracle. I have to.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

'09's Black Cloud of Death

I missed this death in '09 but caught it during the Grammy's In Memoriam. I screamed, scaring Rey. Then we listened to her CD after the ceremony. Thank you dear friend Gerry for giving me one of her CD's for my birthday years ago . . .

Monday, February 1, 2010

New Computer

But more importantly, new views on life. New good habits. New beginnings.

I love waking up to this video.

Thank you VH1 AND BET for your block of morning videos.

Life is A Highway

Stephin Merritt's take on his cover of Gabriel's "Not One of Us"

I'm so pumped about this upcoming album. And this one.

When you get to spend the first four hours of your day reading, it's going to be a happy day.

Getting lost in the city tonight.

Key phrase, "If you're going my way . . . "

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Weary Kind

Oh goodness I'm slacking. Please go see Crazy Heart. Go. Now.

Your heart’s on the loose/ You rolled them seven’s with nothing to lose/ And this ain’t no place for the weary kind

Full lyrics

I'm not a fan of the stint in rehab (seemed rushed and too easy) nor am I a fan of the ending but . . . everything else was bad ass Bad Blake.

Friday, January 29, 2010

I was unaware how fine you was . . .

before the buzz set in . . .

Once you learn that love is bigger than you . . . well. You'll see. Love is a careful combination of fear and courage. Love is showing up. Love is hope. Love is seemingly foolish and yes naive but in the best ways possible. love is not confined to good grammar, words spelled rite and proper punctuation. It speaks louder in moments of silence because mouth farts aside, sometimes there isn't anything to say. Love is the life raft on a sinking ship, but it's also the storm that caused the ship wreck. You can take a bat to your cheating spouse's favorite automobile, or beat the face in of your lover's lover. You can say you never loved them at all. But love knows. Personify it. Yes, Love knows, it knows more than you.

Because everybody laughs and everybody cries.

And if you're like me, you're going to go see Wolfman and not Valentine's Day on February 12th. You'll see Valentine's Day during the week at a matinee. Come on now. Taylor AND Taylor. Yessssssss.

C'est la vie

Dear Celtics, I still love you. Lewis is magic and what chance does anyone stand against magic?

xkcd, bravo, bravo!

Dear UMASS, kiss my ass please and suck my left nut. It doesn't help that every time I have to deal with that institution I have to first deal with this girl that was also a fellow student in several of my night classes. She's moved from every administration office in that damn place. We had a summer class together once and had to do a project for the class. She looked at mine and said, "Wow, you spent a lot of time on that. Do you work full time? You must not work full time." Yeah bitch I do, I typically work 6 out of 7 days a week, not sitting behind a desk, so I can pay for this class because I can't take a class for free like you do. I stayed up for the last 4 nights working on it. Yeah, you in particular can suck my left nut. I would also like to add that because of this same bitch my financial aid has been fucked up (I mean her supervisor has apologized for her work to me, that kind of fuck up) . . . twice. Now for some odd reason she works in admissions. It's days like these I hope and pray karma exists. And that it is a bitch.

Okay, I feel better. These things help.

You can never quite put your finger on it . . . c'est la vie.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


“You take somebody that cries their goddam eyes out over phoney stuff in the movies, and nine times out of ten they're mean bastards at heart.”

I tell people I cry all the time at movies to get across the point that I'm mean . . . all because I read this one line in the 9th grade. I'm glad it stood out in other people's minds as well.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010


So last night's episode of "The Millionaire Matchmaker" was a gem. Now I don't like to name drop but . . . Justin Shenkarow. Yep. There's so much I want to say about the man behind Simon Holmes, but Patti summed it up beautifully with two little words on the show, "Angry Hobbit."

Now no one is perfect, and I'm not trying to knock the guy (or ANY ONE) for doing his thing but he clearly NEEDS a piece of humble pie.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Oh yeah

Have a Swaggerlicious week.

And this handsome man still plays this song for me sometimes. And he's not afraid to tell me he cares.

Mondays Schmondays

Post Secret gets down and dirty. Thank you.

Last Sunday the day started in silence as I literally "hung" out back in the stockroom at work with my store manager. I didn't know it would be the last time I saw her . . . In a way it's fitting. The first time I worked with her it was just her and I in the same situation. It's odd when life comes full circle.

And then my little brother pages me to tell me he found the Holy Grail of our collective childhood . . . bigger than Ewoks (sorry Mum), bigger than dinosaurs, bigger than Big Wheels and Skip-Its, Twister and all day long games of Suicide . . .

"Tina. I found The Muppet Movie and it's only 4.99. I'll go halfsies with you." Then the greatest game of hide The Muppet Movie ensues when our co-worker and friend David sees that little piece of Heaven in my hand. Of course he didn't stand a chance against the Simes siblings. It was a good show though, a good show.

On a horribly related note, once when I was in ballet class my oddball of a ballet teacher told us he had worked on a banana boat growing up and ALL I could think about was this scene below. I erupted into a horrible fit of giggles and was dismissed from class. It was his fault, shoulda known my space cadet brain couldn't handle such a distraction. He wasn't all above the jokes, just a week before this incident he drew a picture of a space shuttle and taped it on the wall above my place on the ballet barre. He told me I was its Commander-in-Chief. I tried to correct him by telling him I would be a "captain" and that commander-in-chief is more like the President and . . . I think I was dismissed from that class, too. Hmmm . . . Anarchy!!!!

It's been an odd few weeks, in retrospect I would like to end with a list of songs Miss M caught me getting down to in my van on my lunch breaks.

Sara Bareilles, Love Song
Jay Z, Can I Get A . . .
Biggie, Hypnotize
Carrie Underwood, Before He Cheats
Michael Jackson, Billie Jean
Queen, We Are The Champions
Jamie Foxx, Blame It
Groove Theory, Tell Me
Quite possibly my favorite song of '09
David Guetta, Sexy Chick
Alicia Keys, Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart then switched the station after to If I Ain't Got You

This all pales in comparison to the day I walked past her office singing Journey's Don't Stop Believing. Oh, excuse me, singing on the top of my lungs.

My favorite movie in the whole wide world was on this weekend. My friend Michael Bolton gets the whole car singing thing.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Cindy Lou Who?

I moonlight for Dr. Seuss during the holidays.

Keeping it scene . . .

Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.
-- Dr. Seuss

What A Difference A Day Makes

Woke up feeling like a freight train had run through the middle of my head . . .
But as I am about to finish some laundry and take a cup of hot chocolate to bed I realize I am going to feel just fine tomorrow.

Dinah Washington doesn't hurt none either.

Basic Space
Asleep from a Day
Foolish Love

Friday, January 22, 2010

Sick of being Sick

I've watched so much TV in the last few days I feel my brain oozing out of my ears (though that may be the ear infection . . . I'm not entirely sure).
I watched 10 minutes of Jersey Shore, that's approximately 8 minutes more than the first time I sat down to watch, and that was 10 minutes too many. While MTV's "TrueLife" that focused on the Shore a few years back (every one remembers Tommy and his "woobie") was informative and relatively true, almost anything that MTV turns out nowadays is pure and utter over-produced crap.
"Millionaire Matchmaker" was down right hilarious. Everyone, millionaire or not, should listen to Patti. LOVE HER!!!!!
"Criminal Minds" is always a pleasure. Always.
I was stoked to be home and snug as a bug in a rug waiting for NBC's Thursday's lineup. Then the power went out. Fuck you National Grid.
I slept through most of the last four days but I'll never forget Patti the Matchmaker quoting Judge Judy, "Beauty fades, dumb is forever." Amen sisters.
Speaking of strong women (well she may be a man, the jury is still out) Miss M is moving on. We'll be without a head manager next week but I'm interested to see who they get to fill her shoes.

Anyways, my little brother just came home and I'm going to force him to listen to this song while I use his computer to "pay my bills."

What? It's just a little girl power music . . . next on the annoying him list is the Spice Girls.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

First Jam of 2010

I would have gone!!!!!

Haven't found him yet either . . .

I wish I could say I didn't understand but I completely do.


I have a new husband.

Update: Praying Mantis, by Jim Carroll

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dinner with good friends

She asked me how I do it. Sit across the table from men who have hurt me without wanting to scream and cry. She asked me how I could even stand to look at them let alone remain sociable. I told her it wasn't easy. I just keep in mind that they, too, are coming from a world of hurt that I may not understand, but everyone understands pain, understands emotional devastation no matter its source.

I know how to express myself. Quite honestly I just haven't found the right time and what happens sitting across from "these men" is I'm often left wondering if the words I've always intended for them are actually meant for them. I may just be a female version of Voltaire's famous character Candide. At any rate, gender aside, the moral of the tale still stands, "Cultivate your garden."

You have a name, now find your damn telos.

Sid Haig

Why are you so amazing?

Highlights from his imdb page:
Che! (1969)
THX 1138 (1971)
Foxy Brown (1974)
Jackie Brown (1997)
And y'all know about the Rob Zombie flicks . . .

There were a shit ton more TV series he's had parts in. Besides "Jason of Star Command" which I was not alive to enjoy, his prolific career in the television biz includes pop culture favorites such as "Get Smart," "Dukes of Hazzard," "Amazing Stories," "Gunsmoke," "the A-Team," "MacGyver," "Batman" (the original series), "Fantasy Island," "Star Trek," and "Charlie's Angels." (Oh yeah, and "Just the Ten of Us" and "T.J. Hooker!!") The man is a beast.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Treadmill Fall

My iPod has been out of commission for sometime now. It's forced me to look through old CD's I made in the early 00's to listen to when I work out. One of these CD's started with Nina Simone's "Feeling Good" then a few old school Destiny Child's songs later . . . this song came on. As Jordan would say, "I almost busted my face" because I started laughing so hard I tripped over my own feet on the treadmill. Thanks Daddy Yankee. Had I died listening to your song, I would have haunted you from the after life.

Heard this version of "Home" at the hairdresser's the other day. Sorry Frenchie, Blake does it better.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dance, Dance, Dance

Still every morning when I wake up.

If you wanna know

This song is exactly how I feel.
Not entirely sure of the songs lyrics, but I've been so diffuse lately I think the first statement would be true no matter what the words of the song actually happen to be. I posted it before, but here it is again with renewed appreciation.

Hey . . . yeah

And for good times sake more Alice Smith.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Saturday Night Lullaby

Shirley Time ;)

I'm starting a union at Marshalls while finishing my last two classes this semester.
Theoretically moving in with two of my little brothers in April.
Applying for a few jobs through here.

Fever? Cool? Everyone Wang Chung . . .

I woke up with this song in my head this morning.

I also woke up with a fever and hives covering my neck and cheek (I promptly took Benadryl and went back to sleep).

What the hell kind of day is this going to be?

Last night my manager told me about how she got to see Tom Waits live. I tried to one up her crazy Waits stories with this story about Screamin' Jay Hawkins.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Saturday, January 9, 2010

To never lean on what will bend

Well sometimes xkcd gets deep.

And I miss having regular access to a computer because I miss things like this.

Love her.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Books, books, and more books

Dear America,
I am impressed by your expansive literary appetite. I love that it encompasses all extremes. I am even more impressed by the incredible understanding of most literary critical theory. The discussions that go on in those college campus classes are only ever lacking in one area: listening. My heart is deeply broken to find out that the average college student is more in love with the sound of his own voice, more impressed with the volumes of his own knowledge and more interested in proving his own points than he is with learning the views of his fellow students. Do me a favor, America? Stop ruining the plot of books or book series. Thank you Orson Scott Card snot for proving how much you love the series in the SciFi section of Borders by summarizing about what 10 novels or something like that. I'm sure had I actually been listening to you I'd be more pissed at you. A simple, "Yeah, I like the series, I hope you do too" would have fucking sufficed. I think the whole big boob thing works for me when I want to play vapid. Fearing what my new book friend might say when my hand went for the Neil Gaiman, I turned to him and said, "Oh, it isn't for me. It's for my little brother. He likes all that space stuff . . . " I love the SciFi nerd scoff. It's far more interesting than most scoffs. It usually involves this whole upper body movement I'm never quite prepared for, followed immediately by the shaking of the head and the eyes always falling directly on me. Trust me America, I'm someone who rarely ever says or does the right thing according to most, I get scoffed at a lot. I am a "scoffing" expert.
Tell me about your family, tell me how you felt about your college roommate, tell me something I can't find in a book. Or better yet, if you must tell me about a book, tell me how it makes you feel. Tell me your name and ask me mine. Oh please America. You're failing, miserably.

But showing me this is pretty cool. Just sayin'

Monday, January 4, 2010


Ne-Yo = yummy

Heard it while waiting for my mom at the hospital today. Thank you for playing it registration nurse.

Sometimes I feel like some of my friends are asking me what I want to do with my life because they're looking for ideas. But the questions they start to ask always seem to say more about them then my answers say about me.
"Well how much does that make?"
"How long of a program is it?"
"What will your title be?" <---- That one gets me every time. These questions are usually followed by lectures on practicality.

I think the only people who enjoy longevity in any career are the ones who have soul. While those questions are practical, they're quite arbitrary to me.

Late Registration is the last Kanye album I'll admit to liking. Graduation can go either way with me depending on my mood. 808's and Heartbreak pissed me off to the point of no return. Douchebag.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Alison Wonderland, I'm still working on my Lost hate blog, so it's just kind of funny this video is set to scenes from Lost.

Today I got a ukulele from my friend Sara in Wonderland. Best Christmas present ever . . . Palmer sticker and all.