Friday, April 17, 2009

Coal Miner's Daughter

I don't typically go out of my way to watch biopics. Just as I generally enjoy covers of songs, I like seeing one artists take on another artists work (a book to movie sort of deal). It gets a little different for me when it's a movie on someone's life. Perhaps a life reduced to 2-3 hours . . . which moments would you toss out?
Loretta Lynn is an inspiration on so many levels and I'm glad NPR is paying homage to her today.
I love the part in her interview where she describes how she had to cut 8 verses from her song, Coal Miner's Daughter--- the song she says is "her story." She also goes on to say that she didn't think the song would be a hit,

"I didn't think anybody'd be interested in my life," Lynn adds. "I know everybody's got a life, and they all have something to say. Everybody has a story about their life. It wasn't just me. I guess I was just the one that told it."

"Coal Miner's Daughter" is also one of my favorite biopics and here's one of my favorite scenes.


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