Friday, March 13, 2009

Worst Line of the Day from Twilight x 2

First let me just start off by saying I could open the book and on any page find a line worthy of this title.
Yesterday's winner: Then he smiled at me wistfully and went to sit by a girl with braces and a bad perm.

First off, I'm a poet of sorts and even I leave "wistful" to the oldies.
Second, fuck you. What's wrong with braces and a bad perm, Bella Swan? Sorry we can't all be as mysterious as you and your vampire boyfriend.

Today's pick: Jacob strolled to a nearby driftwood tree that had its roots sticking out like the attenuated legs of a huge, pale spider.
Are you shitting me?

Tomorrow before work I'll probably just make a list of my top ten because I'm nearly finished with the thing but . . . for sanity's sake, I have to take a break.

Oh, and I'm sooooo on team Edward. That shy, sweet Jacob doesn't fool me one bit.


Alison Lo said...

how are you nearly finished?! you were on page ten two days ago.

i never had braces but oh my did i ever want them because everyone else did.

and wow, does that tree sound ever so important with its very on simile.

Frankie Hart Pierce said...

Like pulling off a band-aid, Love. Besides "attenuated" is one of the biggest words she uses.