Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mr. Fish . . . you continue to astonish me

My Life On the Court is Stanley Fish's latest post and as the title of this blog implies, I am continually surprised by this amazing man.

I was introduced to Stanley Fish's blog a few years back by my friend Sara. As a project in my global ethics class I had to lead the class in a discussion on Defining Terrorism. I searched the UMASS database for literature on the subject and found myself inundated with 15000000 bagillion scholarly papers on the matter. Sooooo yeah, tons of literature but something was still missing. I had been talking to Sara about it and she sent me a link to one of his blogs that just happened to be on the subject of defining terrorism. More importantly he discussed the NEED for EVERYBODY to be having such a discussion, people had to realize their definitions were not as clear and consise as they believed. It was the best way to end my class prompt. Look here are what some learned scholars think . . . but what do YOU think? And more importantly, why?

I quoted Fish, and made sure to mention it was a blog, because it seemed a little less pretentious than someone's Master's Thesis. Have you ever tried to open up and be real with someone who acted like they knew it all? Yeah, I know. I hate those people. Well I hate talking with them.

But Stanley Fish, nope. I think I could shoot some hoops with that old geezer anytime.

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