Sunday, January 29, 2012

Who Knew Ramen Could Be So Good?

We all did. It's not such a big secret. But do you know how to make it even better? I do.

I'm a bit of a Ramen expert. I've never been a fan of those flavor packets, but a block of noodles is one of the happiest sights a broke girl can see on a cold, rainy winter day. I love Asian style cuisine. Authentic, Quasi-authentic, Not-even-close-t0-authentic . . . you get the idea, and what better way to experiment with Asian-tastes but with some cheap-o, yet oh so good noodles? That is how I came up with my version of Not-even-close-to-authentic-but-still-so-yummy Asian Garlic Noodles.

1 packet of Ramen Noodles (just the noodles, toss the flavor packet)
1-2 tablespoons of Olive Oil
1 1/2 tablespoons of Minced Garlic
1 Egg
2 tablespoons of Peanut Sauce
1 1/2 tablespoons of Hoisin Sauce
Sriracha Sauce (optional)

A Wok

  1. Cook noodles according to label.
  2. While noodles are cooking, add oil to wok and swirl around to cover 2 inches from the bottom. Use as little or as much oil as needed to do so. Turn heat on high, and add minced garlic.
  3. Noodles should be finished, remove from heat and strain.
  4. Crack the egg and fry in wok with spatula.
  5. Add strained noodles to wok, using tongs is sometimes easier.
  6. Mix the noodles around with the egg using the spatula (almost like a pancake) for 3-5 minutes.
  7. Add in Peanut sauce and Hoisin sauce. Mix again, this time using tongs, for about a minute.
  8. Use tongs to drop your creation into a bowl, and add a little Sriracha if desired.
A few important notes for this napkin note. I used a single-serve wok, as my boyfriend is a meat-corn-and-potatoes kind of man who doesn't exactly enjoy eating anything that comes out of a wok. Also, these flavors are all quite bold, so do a little taste test of each sauce to see what might be the best combo of flavors for you. Maybe you want a little less peanut and a lot more Hoisin, to each his or her own for this creation. Experiment, have fun, and enjoy!!

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