Friday, October 2, 2009

Thanks Mom

My mother and I have our differences. But she introduced me to all things good growing up like . . .

Murder She Wrote--- Angela Lansbury for life.
Dusty Springfield
Ewoks --- My little brother and I still just walk by one another sometimes and say "Wicket." And we know. Good times. Fun fact, we saw the second Ewok movie before the first. You can imagine how much that fucked with us. Keep in mind I cried so hard when Bambi's mother was shot my mother had to turn the movie off. Same thing with the Land Before Time when Little Foot lost his folks. We saw the movie during nap time and I cried myself to sleep.
Agatha Christie--- Don't fuck with Miss Marple.
Connie Francis
Rosemary Clooney--- My favorite episode of ER is when she guest starred. I almost cried . . . okay, I did.

And so much more.

Including my love of Saturday afternoon movies. There's nothing I love more than getting to come home on a Saturday afternoon, kicking my shoes off, curling up on the couch and putting myself at the mercy of cable television. It's the best.

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