Thursday, May 14, 2009

Christmas Tree Shop, I heart you

At first I was excited because I saw a few claymation classics on DVD in your "lost but not forgotten" bin, but NOT the Mark Twain one I still watch on VHS. Then I looked up and realized that my mother, Marcelle, was lone gone. I eventually found her overdosed in a corner, her cart overflowing with nautical themed . . . everything. But in the mean time I was left to continue to sift through the DVD/VHS bin. I found Foxy Brown, The Singing Detective AND Krush Groove. I threw Marcelle and her 50 million purchases into Winnie and hauled ass home, beating the rain, my shitty neighbors' brawl (at least one a day now) and arrived just in time to hear Big Jim call all of them, "fucking little pussy cunt bags." Sidenote: The first time I heard my dad drop the "C" bomb I fell off my chair. He wasn't calling Marcelle or I it . . . so . . . and the woman was actually a cunt . . . so . . . Oh and the second time I heard him say it was in reference to some woman behind the counter at the RMV (completely fucking justified). So this was the third time. I am truly blessed.
I couldn't get Krush Groove into the DVD player fast enough. It was everything I could hope for and more. For an instance of more, look here.
I fucking know, right? I've been trying to write a TRUE style O'Hara poem about the death of Jam-Master Jay for months now. This movie definitely helped the creative juices.

Who doesn't love the Fat Boys?

I wish I lived in a place with more two piece Adidas suits running around. . . okay not really . . . okay, actually I do.

I had an afternoon full of Jheri curls, Adidas, and ill beats.
Speaking of illin' the Beastie Boys make a cameo as contestants of a talent show in the movie and are promptly booed off stage. Not that I agree, but it was hilarious.


Alison Lo said...

that was disgusting.

Frankie Hart Pierce said...

The Fat Boys' songs? Or did you mean to post on the 100 lbs burger. I think you meant the burger.